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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 368

Julian rarely saw Emelia clenching her teeth in anger. Most of the time, she was gentle and had no temper.

At this moment, seeing that she was so angry that her eyes were vivid, he only felt very interesting and couldn't help laughing out in a low voice.

Emelia was truly annoyed by his smile. Out of impulse, she broke free from his grasp and pulled his face down. She went up to him and bit his lips hard.

After this bite, the entire world suddenly quieted down. Julian's entire body went rigid from the bite, and when Emelia came to her senses, her face instantly turned red.

"I..." She quickly let go of him and tried to explain, but in the next second, her soft lips were fiercely kissed, and she could only make a sound between her lips and teeth.

Julian was ready to get close to her, but he had been restraining her feelings.

Now that she had bitten him, he instantly found a reasonable excuse.

If she got angry later, he would insist that she kissed him first.

Sure enough, he was right. As soon as he reluctantly let go of Emelia's attractive lips, Emelia accused him angrily, "You..."

"You kissed me first."

Julian had unleashed all of his shamelessness. Emelia was so angry that he was about to cry.

"Get up!"

At the thought of how Julian had kissed her, it was time for him to let go of her.

Who would have thought that Julian would actually lean close to her and continue to kiss her? In Julian's opinion, since both of them had kissed, of course he had to kiss her to the end.

Besides, that was just a rest for their kissing, so that Emelia would not be breathless.

After this entanglement, no matter how much Emelia resisted the feeling of being close to him, her heart was helplessly softened.

She found excuses to restrain herself from getting close to him, but he broke her resistance with intimacy.

Julian's reluctant kiss was attached to the corner of her lips. He looked at her eyes and whispered, "You are my only love. In the past, I loved no one, and from now to the future, I will always love you."

He had been with Yvonne Sullivan before, but there was no intimate relationship between them.

In the future, Julian would not be interested in other women. Tara White was nothing for him in his eyes.

"If you don't reconcile with me, I will be a monk for the rest of my life."

After saying that, Julian seemed to be threatening her. He even bit her chin slightly.

Emelia's mood was extremely chaotic. She raised her hand and pushed him away. "It's fine as long as you can control your sexual desire. I don't care about you."

After that, she got out of bed, picked up the quilt and pillow thrown on the floor, and stuffed them into his arms to drive him out.

Julian solved the bitterness of longing, so he didn't pester her anymore.

He went out and took his pajamas and toiletries from his car. After washing up in the bathroom, he lay on the sofa with satisfaction and fell asleep comfortably.

The weather forecast said that there would be a snowstorm tomorrow. At that time, the highway would definitely be blocked, and he could stay here for another day.

Well, Julian admitted that he really wanted to explain to her in person, but after watching the weather forecast, he became more determined to come over.

That night, the snowstorm was raging outside, but the three of them fell asleep.

Although Julian slept on the sofa, he didn't feel cold at all, because the heating was very strong, and the room was as warm as spring.

The next morning, Emelia was woken up by the knocking on the door. There was a hint of surprise in Julian's voice. "Emelia, are you up? It's snowing outside. It's extremely beautiful."

Riverside City was a seaside city, and it rarely snowed in a year.

The town had a totally different climate, which could be called a snow pit. It had been snowing twice since Emelia came here, so she was no longer excited to see the snow.

However, she still got up and opened the curtains. The snow outside looked much heavier than the previous two rounds.


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