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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 377

Emelia and Vincent returned home safely. Naomi prepared dinner for them in advance.

Naomi was also very angry with what Tara had done. "I really don't know what Trevor likes about such a disgraceful woman!"

"Auntie, please don't be mad. She's not worth your attention. "

Emelia comforted Naomi.

Tara's young body and beautiful face was the only things Trevor liked. However, Tara thought that she was Trevor's true love, she wanted to force Trevor's wife to leave so that he could marry her.

Tara didn't take advantage of the fact that Trevor still had interest in her to help herself improve quickly. Instead, she raked her brain in plotting and stirring up troubles. She was stupid enough to have wasted the prime time of her career achieving absolutely nothing.

Now, Trevor obviously wanted to give up on her for his own interests. She was still causing chaos.

Emelia wasn't afraid of Tara at all, but Naomi was extremely worried.

Naomi felt the same way Tara threatened Emelia with her illness. She felt sorry for Emelia.

Emelia could tell that Naomi was worried about her. "I almost know why Tara became like this today."

She then told Vincent and Naomi what Polaris had done to her, and she also said that she suspected that Polaris was colluding with Tara.

"Since Polaris has slandered me time and time again and spread rumors for me, she wants to have my reputation ruined, so I'll get back at her."

"I want to expose all the bad things she has done before. I want to see whether she or me will be doomed."

Emelia's tone and expression were uncharacteristically cold and determined.

She had had enough of being targeted by Polaris so many times.

Even if Polaris targeted her because of what happened between her and Viggo, she had nothing to do with him now. How could Polaris not let her go?

Vincent agreed with Emelia's active counterattack, but he asked in confusion, "How do you plan to expose her? Can you find evidence?"

Polaris did those shameless and dirty things secretly. She must have hidden them well and would not let others find out easily.

"Mindy Wood, her former assistant, must know all her bad deeds."

Emelia said confidently, "I plan to find Mindy and get her to expose Polaris.

"Mindy is quite talented. Many of Polaris' so-called work was done by Mindy on her behalf. Mindy's current situation must not be good either. She must be willing to stand out and expose Polaris for certain benefits. Polaris has targeted me again and again. I don't need to be kind to her. As long as I can expose her, I don't mind using some means to bribe Mindy."

"You can use any means to the wicked." Vincent nodded. "No matter what decision you make, I support you."

Naomi replied, "That's right. Since she likes to hide behind and harm people, then expose her and see what she can do."

Emelia was comforted by them, but then she lowered her head and said, "However, no matter whether Tara and Polaris have any evidence about my health, once they say it out, it will cause a lot of gossips. If I have any contact with Julian, he will definitely be laughed at by everyone."

After Emelia finished speaking, both Vincent and Naomi were silent.

They had experienced the same rumors. They knew how heart-wrenching those words would be, so they would not persuade Emelia to be selfish and keep staying with Julian.

Since Emelia had chosen to make herself suffer a bit and make Julian stay far away from trouble, then they were willing to fulfill her wishes.

No matter what choice she made, it was because she loved Julian, wasn't it?

Vincent asked her in a deep voice, "What do you want to do?"

Emelia said decisively, "I want to draw a clear line with him. This way, no matter how ill my body is, it has nothing to do with him."


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