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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 378

Emelia went to take a shower after calling Viggo and Nina. When she returned to her bedroom, she found that there was a missed phone call from Julian.

When she first went to Frances's place, they almost did not contact each other.

Since he stayed in the town in the heavy snow, he often contacted her after returning home. Sometimes he would call her, sometimes he would just send her a message, but recently he contacted her almost every day.

Emelia didn't call back, because she knew that given Julian's current persistence, he would definitely call again soon.

However, when she thought of what she was going to say to Julian later on, Emelia clutched her phone and slumped weakly onto the carpet at the end of the bed.

If she said those words, they...

She was afraid that they would be completely broken up.

This was clearly the result she wanted, but Emelia couldn't help sitting on the edge of the bed, tears welling up in her eyes.

Sure enough, Julian still called again. Emelia composed her emotions and picked up the phone. "Hello..."

"Are you crying?"

Emelia hadn't expected that just a single word from her would make him notice the strangeness in her voice.

She found a suitable excuse. "I was watching clips of 'Princess Leilania'. It's so touching."

Without waiting for Julian to say anything more, she said first, "Julian, don't call me again in the future."

The man at the other end of the line paused for a moment, and then asked with some injury, "Why?"

Emelia took a deep breath. "I've wanted to tell you something a long time ago. In fact, I've always been acting."

"What do you mean?" Julian's voice was obviously lower.

"I've been pretending to be with you during this period of time. I don't really want to get together with you. I just want to take revenge on you."

Emelia held his phone and said, "I hate your cruelty over the past three years, so I want you to have a taste of that."

"Now that I know that you have fallen in love with me, my goal has been achieved."

"Julian, how does it feel to love a person deeply but be ignored by that person? What do you think?"

Emelia didn't know how she had said these words. She only knew that after she finished speaking, her tears also fell down. But in order not to let Julian hear it, she raised her hand and covered her mouth tightly, letting her tears fall silently.

There was no sound on the phone. At the other end, Julian was completely silent.

Emelia wiped away her tears. She could imagine the look on Julian's face. He must have been too shocked. He must didn't believe what he had heard, he would feel very hurt after being shocked.

She squeezed her phone tightly and deliberately made her tone sound indifferent. "I've made it clear. Let's not contact each other again in the future."

As she spoke, she decided to hang up.

"I don't believe it!" Julian snarled, "I don't believe that you're just taking revenge on me. I don't believe that you're a vicious person!"

Emelia suppressed the pain and pretended to mock him. "Julian, you're quite interesting as well? You can only hurt me, but can't I take revenge on you?"

"Who gives you confidence? I will change my mind. Who gives you confidence? I still love you."

"Julian, no one will wait for you in the same place. Me either."


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