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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 379

"What's wrong with you in the middle of the night?"

Nina was very disgusted with Julian. "Don't you feel cold?"

Julian smiled at himself.

He really didn't feel cold. Perhaps he had drunk, or maybe his rage was about to burn him.

He naturally knew that he and Nina should avoid being together, so he stood in the cold wind and asked Nina with disappointment, "Does she really love me?"

Nina glared at him. "Shouldn't you ask her this question? Why are you asking me?"

As if he didn't hear what she said, Julian continued to ask her, "She said she didn't want to get together with me. She just pretended to be with me. In order to take revenge on me, she made me suffer!"

"I don't believe it!"

Julian's eyes were bloodshot as he stared at Nina. He repeated it over and over again, "I don't believe that she is such a person. She must be lying to me!"

Nina knew very well how much Emelia loved Julian.

Therefore, Nina was slightly taken aback when she heard Julian's words.

However, soon after, she came to her senses. Since Emelia said so, it meant that Emelia had her own plans. That was why Nina chose to cooperate with Emelia.

So she rolled her eyes and snorted, "Why don't you believe her? Don't you know how bad you used to be to her? If she still loves you, why would she divorce you?"

"It's not that you don't believe her. You don't believe that you will be taken revenge. You don't believe that you have lost your charm in front of her!"

"Julian, you're an arrogant jerk. You're spoiled. It's all because we women have treated you men too well that you have developed this fucking haughtiness!"

Nina's words caused the temperature on Julian's body to drop to a freezing point. He stared fixedly at Nina and asked word by word, "Does this mean that she really has no feelings for me?"

Nina was her best friend. Since even Nina had acquiesced, it meant that she had indeed said these words to Nina.

"What do you think?"

Nina was smart enough to throw back the question.

Seeing that he still refused to give up, Nina spread out her hands and gave him one last blow. "After she returned home, you kept pestering her. She was so annoyed that she had no choice but to pretend to be with you."

The redness in Julian's eyes intensified, and he clenched his fists tightly.

He didn't want to believe it, but he had to.

Nina drove him away. "Hurry back. It's cold outside. You'll get sick."

Julian smiled bitterly. "What's the big deal of that!"

Now that his heart has died, would he care whether he caught a cold or not?

Nina glared at him and said, "Are you serious? Do you have to be so dejected?"

After leaving for so many years, Cameron did not care about her at all. She did not want to die.

To be honest, Nina also felt a little sad when she saw Julian's expression. She couldn't bear to see him like this, so she softened her tone and said, "Please, Mr. Hughes, hurry back."

Julian turned around. Nina sighed again and said, "Forget it, forget it. I'll send you back. Wait here. I need to get changed."

Although they were in the same neighborhood, Nina was still worried that something would happen to him on the way, so she put on a down jacket that reached her ankle and went out to send Julian home.

However, in order to avoid suspicion, Nina slowly followed behind Julian. There was a distance of ten steps between them.

If there were rumors about her and Julian, it would be really big news for the media. They could make up stories like the popular actress snatching way her best friend's lover. Nina's public image would be completely tarnished.


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