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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 394

"Just stay in bed. I'll go check with the doctor." Emelia could only end up mollifying Julian like this.

Julian held her hand and said, "I'll go with you or let the doctor come here."

Emelia was lost for words.

Did he have to be so clingy?

Since she had promised to stay, she wouldn't leave for now.

Emelia took a deep breath and asked seriously, "You know how you treated me before, right?"

"I know." Julian raised his eyebrows, wondering why Emelia would ask such a question.

Emelia frowned and uttered, "But your attitude towards me is so different now. I have every reason to suspect that you're faking your memory loss. Because a person can't change so much in such a short period!"

"How could you realize you love me just after a car accident and immediately change the way you treat me from being cold and distant to being passionate?"

Julian didn't get flustered at Emelia's suspicion. He defended himself calmly, "Love usually comes in an instant."

Emelia had to admire Julian for his eloquence.

Julian gazed at her and confessed, "No matter what, you only need to know that I love you very much. That's enough."

Emelia gave him a cold smile. "Since love comes in an instant, will you not love me after another accident?"

Julian immediately replied with conviction, "Definitely not."

As he spoke, he folded her into his arms. "I will only love you more and more."

"You'd better lie down now." Emelia couldn't stand his sweet words, or more likely, his rhetoric, so she simply pushed him away and left.

Julian went back to bed with a disappointed face. He was not faking being clingy. He really didn't dare to let Emelia leave alone for fear that she would run away.

He had spent so much effort to keep her by his side this time. And he couldn't afford that something would happen to take Emelia away from him anyway.

The phone at hand rang. Julian glanced at the caller ID, and strong disgust flashed across his face.

It was from Suzanne McBride. After Julian had left her dry at his house in the Capital, she kept calling him, but he hadn't answered.

But now, Julian thought it was OK to answer it because he had amnesia and could treat Suzanne as a complete stranger.

"Hello, who is calling?" Julian answered, and his tone was cold and indifferent.

"Julian, it's Suzanne," Suzanne said happily on the other end.

She had stayed in a hotel after leaving Julian's house yesterday. However, she still hadn't given up and had been calling Julian. But she never got through, for no one answered or the phone was powered off, making her angry and annoyed.

Now Julian had suddenly answered the phone, and Suzanne happily forgot the humiliation and indifference she had suffered from Julian.

However, Julian's following words completely shocked her. "Suzanne? I think you may have the wrong number. I don't know you."

Suzanne was stunned. "You…you don't know me?"

She asked hastily, "How can you not know me? We've met several times and even had dinner together in Grafstin."

"Really?" Julian observed carelessly, "I don't remember."

After saying that, he directly hung up the phone and didn't answer as Suzanne called him again.

Soon Maisie called Julian.


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