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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 395

Emelia knew that Julian wouldn't stop objecting to the matter until she agreed, so she directly said, "All right, if you really want to. But you must stay in a hotel."

"OK." Julian agreed happily.

Frances wasn't easy to get along with. Emelia was allowed to stay for a long time because of her nice personality. Moreover, Frances' house wasn't that big. It was indeed inappropriate for them to live with a man.

"But what about your work?" Emelia stared at him and asked, "And you still need to handle the stuff with the chip industrial park in Grafstin."

Julian replied casually, "I can work on my computer. When I need to be present, I'll come back to the office then. As for the matter of the industrial park, I'll leave it to Maisie."

Maisie's capacity for work was undoubted.

Now that Julian had arranged everything for himself, Emelia said nothing more. Instead, she should continue to write her script. It was time to carry on with her career as the New Year had passed.

Since Julian had to remain in the hospital for a few days, Emelia decided to go back to unpack. When she returned to the hospital, no sooner did she just step to the door of Julian's room than a woman rushed in without knocking.

Emelia was dumbfounded when she saw the woman hugging Julian, who was standing by the window on the phone.

"Julian! Why did you suddenly lose your memory? How did this happen?" The woman sobbed, looking worried.

The woman was Suzanne. When she heard Maisie say Julian had a car accident, she immediately bought a plane ticket and left the Capital for Riverside City.

Julian inwardly really wanted to kick Suzanne away when she hugged him.

He turned around and saw Emelia looking at him thoughtfully by the door. He was furious and pulled Suzanne away without hesitation.

"Who the hell are you?" He was so angry and nervous that he couldn't help but shout bad words.

With all his efforts, he had finally let Emelia stay by his side. If Emelia misunderstood that he had something with Suzanne, all his efforts would be in vain.

At the thought of it, Julian hurriedly walked toward Emelia and hugged her in his arms with a big smile. The entire scene was like a dagger to Suzanne's heart.

"Wifey, you're here," Julian smiled at Emelia.

Emelia got goosebumps at his words. Was he addicted to calling her in that way?

Julian hurriedly explained to Emelia, "I don't know this woman at all. I also don't know why she suddenly came in and hugged me. She must be a psycho. I'll ask Arthur to take her away immediately!"

"Julian!" When Suzanne heard Julian say she was a psycho, she immediately roared in anger, her tone no longer as sweet as before.

Julian looked at Suzanne coldly. "I'm giving you one last chance to leave here right now, or I'll call the police."

Suzanne stomped her feet with rage.

When she heard from Maisie that Julian had lost his memory, she thought it was incredible. Didn't such an exaggerated plot only exist in TV series? How could it really happen in reality?

Suzanne didn't believe it, and she wasn't willing to become a stranger to Julian, even though they didn't know each other well before.

So, she bought a plane ticket and came here without hesitation. But she couldn't believe Julian really didn't remember her.

It was one thing to know that Julian had amnesia. But how could he call her a psycho?

Before Julian lost his memory, he wouldn't be so mean to her for her grandfather's sake. But now...


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