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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 397

Emelia's words made sense to Vincent. So, he replied, "Alright then. We'll recommend Harry and Zella to be the male and female leads. I'll talk to Trevor Spence when he comes back from abroad and we can arrange for an audition."

"Okay." Emelia agreed.

After a few more words, they finished the call.

Julian said coldly when Emelia put down the phone. "Harry is pretty handsome in your eyes, right?"

"Well, yes," said Emelia, "His look and temperament are outstanding among the actors nowadays."

Upon saying this, she could feel the atmosphere frozen up even more.

She turned around in a maze and met with Julian's angry face.

Thinking of what she had said just now, Emelia immediately understood that Julian was getting jealous again.

However, she didn't change her opion about Harry to please Julian. Instead, she added calmly, "I was just telling the truth."

Emelia didn't have any other feelings for Harry, so she was not guilty for praising his look.

In fact, it was Julian. He should reflect on himself for being excessively jealous.

Was she such a hussy in his eyes who seemed to be always craving for guys?

Emelia had loved only one man from her youth years till now, and it was Julian.

He had been the source of her happiness, as well as her sorrow.

Julian was surprised, and angry when Emelia expressed her admiration of Harry so openly.

He said, "As a married woman, is it appropriate to speak so high of another man?"

"A married woman?" Emelia looked at Julian and said, "That's only your wishful thinking."

Julian was furious, "Are you trying to piss me off?"

"If it's so easy to do so, your wealth would have been mine." After saying that, Emelia turned back to his computer. She had no interest in continuing to talk about this topic with Julian.

He was just jealous as hell.

Emelia was a smooth talker. Julian felt a headache at her speech. A real headache, unlike the one he faked before.

"I'll go make a phone call." Julian stared at Emelia's slender back and then went out with his phone.

"Well…" Emelia wanted to say that she could go out, instead of him, if the call is confidential. After all, he was a patient. Yet before she could finish speaking, Julian had left the room.

Julian was going to call Trevor. That was why he could do it in the room.

Emelia and Vincent didn't know that Starixo was now in Julian's charge. And Julian was still pretending that he hadn't remembered his past yet in front of Emelia. So, he couldn't let her know that he was calling Trevor.

Julian had sent a message to Trevor just now, telling him that Harry must not be the male lead. Trevor didn't reply. Therefore, Julian thought a call would be necessary.

Trevor didn't pick up the phone immediately. After quite a while, the call was finally connected.

"Mr. Hughes, what can I do for you?" said Trevor, somewhat gloomily.

Julian frowned, "What happened to you?"

Trevor said that he was going to America to spend the new year with his wife and children. He was supposed to be happy right now. Why didn't it sound like that?


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