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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 398

Trevor was so upset that Julian couldn't tell him not to use Harry.

After hanging up the phone, Julian felt very down for an unknown reason.

Back in the room, he walked straight to Emelia, who was at the desk, pulled her up, hugged her tightly in his arms, and whispered, "Emelia, I'm glad I didn't miss you."

What Trevor's wife did to Trevor shocked Julian and left him with profound fear.

Fortunately, Julian had figured out his love in time. Fortunately, he acted in time to save it.

Otherwise, if Emelia completely gave up on him, he could only cry like Trevor.

Emelia sensed that there was something wrong with Julian, "What's going on?"

Julian couldn't tell her about Trevor, because she didn't know that he was in touch withTrevor. So, Julian whispered, "Nothing really. So many things have happened recently, and I got emotional."

Emelia didn't think much of it and did not ask further.

Julian was discharged from the hospital three days later, and under Julian's protest, Emelia could only live with him in the place they had lived together for three years.

It had been almost two years since they divorced. Emelia felt a lot when she returned here.

Nothing had changed. It all looked the same as when she was still here, except that the plants and flowers had died.

Julian didn't have the time nor the mood to take care of them. Within a few months of Emelia's departure, they all withered or died. So, Julian asked people to take them away.

Emelia felt heartbroken when she thought about it as some of the flowers were quite expensive.

Julian felt guilty, so he proposed, "We can go to the flower market and buy some more. Or if you want, I can ask people to send some over by plane."

Emelia said somewhat angrily, "Do you think it's so easy? Flowers and plants are lives. They may not be able to adapt to the new environment even if they are carefully nourished. "

Julian immediately confessed, "It's my fault."

Emelia went on saying, "As a punishment, you'll sleep in the guest room tonight."

Julian was all amused by her words. He put his hands on her shoulders, trying to pull her back and stop her from leaving. "Are you being evasive?"

Since the two were still husband and wife, they must sleep together.

They weren't able to do it in the hospital but now they were at home. There was no escape for her.

Emelia was indeed trying to avoid it. But before she could make any other excuses, Julian's cell phone rang.

Julian didn't let go of Emelia's hand even when she answered the phone. He clasped her waist and wrapped her around him.

In the past few days, Emilia had got how needy Julian could be. He was like an octopus. He would stick himself on her the entire day. So, Emelia gave up struggling.

However, Julian frowned as he listened to the call. His expression turned serious.

Emelia could hear that it was Maisie calling. They should be talking about the industrial park in Grafstin.

After hanging up the phone, Julian said in a serious voice, "I have to go to Grafstin."

Emelia asked, "What happened?"


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