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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 414

Julian hesitated for a long time and finally said to the staff, "Just from this angle, the camera can show one shot of her profile."

Since she has fans, he should also satisfy the wishes of her fans.

But he could only show them her profile, just one glance.

The staff took orders and left. After a while, Emelia's profile face looking down appeared on the screen, but the screen quickly changed to the stage in a few seconds.

A bunch of comments suddenly appeared, "Wow! Wow!"

"She is so beautiful that I am willing to die for her."

Some people who didn't know Emelia asked, "May I ask who is the beauty with the side face that appeared just now?"

Someone immediately answered her question, "The screenwriter of 'Princess Leilania'. Her Twitter account name is called Emualia."

"Today, I finally understood the meaning of the word 'angel'."

"Please show us another close-up of her profile. I want a screenshot!"

"The staffs must have seen our request or else they wouldn't have satisfied us just now, so can you show us again now?"

The staffs silently said in their hearts, "No, Mr. Hughes won't show you anything at all."

He was the boss and they had no right to decide.

So, despite a bunch of people asking in the comments for a long time, the staffs never cut the picture to her again.

Just at this time, those actors also finished interacting and left the stage. Only the host was speaking something, so the fans of those actors also left one after another.

The task of their idol had almost been completed, and they would take a group photo together, so there would be not much to see.

The staffs of the live broadcast were also clever. They saw that the number of fans in the live broadcast room kept declining. So they asked someone to speak in the comment area pretending to be a normal citizen, "I heard that the screenwriter will be on stage later for an interview, but I don't know if it's true."

Those who had never received a response after asking for a long time were also planning to quit the live broadcast, and then they stopped when they saw this comment.


"If it's true, then I'll wait for her."

"Wow, this is great. When she goes on the stage, we can see her fair and square."

The staffs were satisfied to see that the people in the live broadcast room were commenting again.

Emelia was finally invited by the host. At this time, she didn't know that she had attracted some fans with her side face in the live broadcast room.

She talked about several characters in the play, wished the drama well, took a big group photo with Nina and the others, and then planned to step down.


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