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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 415

At the press conference, after Nina kicked the woman down, Julian also came to the stage.

He doesn't care about their plan now, he walked over to Emelia and asked her in a low voice, "Are you injured?"

Emelia shook her head in shock, "No, thank God Nina is here."

Julian glanced at her; she only saw Nina's credit?

If he hadn't figured out in advance that someone was going to be bad for her, and changed the bottle in that person's hand, even if Nina protected her now, the strong sulfuric acid in the bottle would have caused her to suffer.

Because of this accident, all was chaos on the stage, Marvin instinctively pulled Zella beside him into his arms to protect her.

As a result, Zella almost jumped up nervously, pushed him away immediately, and whispered, "Pay attention to the public, don't be seen."

Marvin was rendered speechless.

There has been an emergency and she still thought about the public influence.

Fortunately, the security guard who came from the audience had already brought the woman under control, and the danger was lifted, so he didn't say anything. After all, he promised her at the beginning of the marriage, and he must wait until she is willing to make it public.

Even though the woman under the stage was restrained by the security guard, she was still shouting, "Emelia, I'm going to destroy you and avenge Polaris!"

When everyone heard Polaris, they all suddenly realized that this person is a fan of Polaris, who is revenging her. So many scandals about her broke out during New Year's Day, not only in the industry, even in real life, she lived a miserable life. Words said that her house in Riverside City was sold at a low price.

It's just that this woman was also a dumbass. She wanted to stand up for a despicable person like Polaris and she even tried to throw unknown liquid on Emelia, which was a crime.

Julian stepped forward, looked at the woman coldly, and mocked, "You want to destroy her? Try if you can."

Julian glanced at the bottle that fell to the side, "I have already switched the contents of the bottle. Even if Nina didn't stop you, you would splash her with water."

"What?" The woman was horrified.

In fact, when the thing spilled out without any pungent smell and Nina's skirt turned out to be okay, she realized that something was wrong, but she didn't expect that Julian would have changed that in advance.

However, in the next second, she was glad again. She was glad that Julian had changed that bottle so that her crime would not be so serious. After all, she just poured a bottle of water.

When the police came later, she insisted that she just didn't like Emelia, so she wanted to throw some water on her to make her embarrassed.

But Julian seemed to see through her thoughts. When she saw a man walking over with a bottle in his hand, she trembled.

Because the bottle was the same as the one she threw out just now, obviously Julian kept that evidence.

Julian asked the woman to look at the bottle, "You don't have to think about arguing that you just poured a bottle of water. I knew how did you make this bottle, where did you buy the materials, and who let you in this venue. I have already investigated everything."

"Just now, when this bottle was changed by my people, they also took a video of the whole process, which is enough to prove that it is your property, and we also verified that the liquid inside is sulfuric acid."

Julian's voice fell, and the people around took a breath.

With every word Julian said, the woman's face turned pale.


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