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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 418

"This is your personal matter. I won't meddle in," Julian retorted to Emelia with the words that she said to him earlier. Emelia glanced at him.

She had a feeling that he said that deliberately to annoy her. Julian added, "For the fairness, I also want to request you to do something."

"What is it?" Emelia was confused. She would take photos with Nina. Why would Julian request her to do something?

Before Emelia figured it out, Julian said, "In the future, we must take a set of photos and put them in the magazine after our relationship becomes stable."

Since Emelia would do it with Nina, he wanted to be treated equally.

Emelia was wordless.

She wondered what was in his mind.

She would shoot group photos with Nina, but why did Julian become so jealous?

Julian added, "Or, we can put our wedding photos."

Talking about it, he walked up to her and held her in his arms. He whispered to promise, "We didn't hold a wedding ceremony last time. In the future, I'll make it up to you. We will also shoot our wedding photos."

Emelia muttered, "We can shoot wedding photos, but are you sure any magazine agent is willing to put them in their magazines?"

Emelia had seen many magazines using photos of a real couple, but not many were wedding photos.

Julian said in self-confidence, "They'll be more than happy to put my wedding photos. We can put on other outfits for the magazine cover when taking the wedding photos."

Emelia understood that he wished to be treated equally with Nina. Hence, he wanted their group photos to appear on the magazine cover.

Emelia didn't think her objection would work. Hence, she said, "Up to you."

Julian finally felt better.

Polaris had ruined her own future. No one pitied her or helped her. She would be punished by the law.

Julian and Emelia didn't take care of this case anymore, leaving it to the police and their lawyer.

Julian and the Hughes Group were VIP clients of Phil's law firm. Although Phil didn't need to deal with Polaris' case in person, it was relevant to Emelia, so Phil believed he needed to handle it personally.

After all, Emelia would be Mrs. Hughes soon. Phil wanted to establish a good relationship with her.

According to his own experiences in love and marriage, he knew it would be more helpful to build up a relationship with Emelia than with Julian, as the latter couldn't survive without Emelia.

No matter how arrogant Julian was, he must be obedient to Emelia.

Hence, Phil took the initiative to become Emelia's lawyer. As soon as it was announced, Polaris was destined to fail.

When hearing Phil would represent Emelia, no lawyer dared to defend Polaris.

Emelia was fully packed in the following days. Firstly, she would go to the young screenwriter training project, so she needed to prepare many things. Vincent also let her draft a speech and told her she would use it.

Then, she would shoot the group photos with Nina. Her hands were full.

After the shooting schedule had been decided, Nina reminded her, "You can't stay up late at night in the following days. Eat light dishes. Keep the good status of your skin. Then you'll look gorgeous in the pictures."

Nina was experienced in shooting photos. Hence, Emelia, the green hand, remembered her words. "Okay."

That evening, when Julian held Emelia in his arms and wanted to make love to her, she refused, "No, not today. I can't stay up late these days. I can't be over exhausted."

He would definitely make her stay up too late. She was too exhausted.


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