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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 419

Since Emelia would go to the training soon, the photo shooting should be finished before she set off for the Capital. Hence, the schedule was pretty tight.

Finally, the shooting had been decided on the day before Emelia set off. A few days before that day, Julian felt that he was leading a monk's life. Hence, when he drove Emelia to the studio, he glared at Nina several times. The latter felt confused.

Nina approached Emelia and whispered, "Why does Julian Hughes look frustrated as if his desire hasn't been satisfied?

Emelia whispered to her how she had gotten along with Julian in the recent few days. Nina fell about laughing pretty loudly.

Emelia pinched her forehead. Fortunately, Julian left right after dropping her off. If he knew Nina was laughing at him, he would become angry through embarrassment.

Several magazines had invited Emelia and Nina to shoot group photos. Nina and Sherlyn Lansdale finally chose a fashion magazine named GLAUCOUS. GLAUCOUS was one of the top magazines nationwide. Although it didn't have a long history, it had suppressed the old branded magazines in recent years and had become the leading one in fashion. It was popular among the youngsters.

Also, Nina liked the director of the fashion department in GLAUCOUS. Emelia had heard about that director, a bold, proud fashion devil with a sharp taste. No wonder Nina liked her much.

The key point that made Nina choose GLAUCOUS because the photographer and stylist provided by GLAUCOUS were all top professionals in their circles. It also showed how sincere GLAUCOUS was to them.

Emelia didn't quite understand those matters, so she let Nina and Sherlyn decide everything.

However, Emelia hadn't expected that it was so troublesome to shoot photos for a magazine. She and Nina arrived at the studio in the early morning. Then they spent a long time on makeup.

After one hour, Emelia felt soreness in her neck.

Nina could tell she felt uncomfortable, so she said, "The makeup will be done soon. Then they'll do your hair."

Emelia almost collapsed when hearing that.

Nina heaved a sigh with a smile. "This is a day of a female superstar."

Emelia also signed. "It's so difficult to be a star."

Finally, their makeup and hair had been done. During the shooting, Emelia had to strike different poses as told by the photographer. She felt her body was completely twisted.

She guessed that her photos might not be decent as her poses were twisted.

However, after a short moment, the photographer praised her for being born with a face for the camera. He also said her facial outlines were perfect. Emelia became more confident, and soon she got used to it.

After they finished the shooting for the first outfit, it was noon. Julian call Emelia on the phone. "Done the shooting? I'll pick you up."

"Only the first set is done." Emelia leaned against her hair weakly, letting the stylist put on makeup for her again to fit the next outfit.

"Only the first one?" Julian felt collapsed. Emelia mentioned they would shoot for four sets of outfits, if not mistaken.

Hence, Julian guessed that the photo shooting would probably be finished by midnight.

Emelia would take a flight to the Capital the following morning.

"That's so slow!" Julian was annoyed. He used to shoot photos for this kind of magazine, but it was pretty simple for a man.

He didn't spend much time on makeup, hairstyle, or outfits. Besides, no stylist dared to torture him. His public image was mature and steady, so he only needed to stand there. The shooting finished pretty soon. Hence, he had thought Emelia's photo shooting could be like this as well.

"I don't know either. Nina said it was normal."

Nina even said the shooting went on faster than she had expected. The photographer was professional, so his photos had a high production rate.

Julian frowned. "Can you ask Nina to urge them? You've promised me to make it up..."

"Ah! I gotta go. I need to put on the makeup." Emelia hung up the phone instantly.

She knew what Julian was about to say, but the stylist was next to her. If the stylist overheard her words, Emelia would be too embarrassed.


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