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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 422

"Your wedding photos?" The photographer was startled. "Are you getting married? Why there's no news at all? Who is the lucky guy?"

Nina was the most popular superstar nowadays. If she got married or in love, the media should know the news more or less.

Nina threw up her hands. "I haven't had a boyfriend yet. Whom I'll marry to? As I said, I just want to make an appointment."

The photographer looked helpless. "All right. I thought I would hear a piece of the shocking news of the entertainment business."

Nina patted him on his shoulder. "Chill."

Then she bid others farewell before leaving with Sherlyn.

The photographer didn't know that Nina would call him to shoot her wedding photos one day in the near future.

Actually, Nina herself didn't expect that day to come so soon.

Julian drove Emelia back home. The latter was exhausted and sleepy. She fell asleep on the way. When they arrived home, Julian had to carry her into the house.

Also, he helped her remove the makeup, bathed her, and dried her hair.

When he finally put her on the bed, he was also exhausted.

He hadn't expected it to be so troublesome to remove the makeup for a woman. If Emelia hadn't instructed while fighting against her sleepiness, Julian wouldn't have known how to wash her face.

He went to the studio and urged the progress because he wanted to go home faster to make love to Emelia. However, Emelia had fallen asleep on the way back home.

Seeing her so tired, Julian didn't have the heart to do anything to her. He lowered his head and pecked her lips affectionately. Then he got up and went to the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, Julian went to the study to work for a long while because he would feel tortured during the long, sleepless night.

When he went back to the bedroom, he turned on the lamp on the nightstand, unbuttoning his pajamas. Suddenly, Emelia sat up while holding the quilt in a daze.

Julian thought she must still be drowsy, so he paused to look at her, unwilling to disturb her.

However, she asked him with sleepy eyes, "Why did you stop?"

Julian was wordless.

He wondered what she was doing.

He had never experienced such a scene and didn't know how to deal with it.

While he was taken aback, Emelia smiled brightly. She said with an obsessive look, "Julian, you look so handsome when unbuttoning your pajamas."

Julian felt his throat was dried out somehow. Her remark aroused him instantly. He wondered if he had been repressed too much in the past few days.

Thinking of that, he made up his mind. He lowered his voice, stared at her, and asked, "Shall I continue?"

Emelia nodded on the bed. "Hurry up. I want to watch."

Julian's hands trembled when unbuttoning. He couldn't bear her provocative words at all.

When his upper top was exposed, Emelia instantly cupped her chin with both hands and praised, drooling, "Whoa... I love your body!"

Julian took a deep breath.

He hadn't seen what Emelia looked like when she got drunk. However, she was way too bold currently. Usually, she wouldn't have spoken those words with such an expression.

However, Julian didn't expect that she would act boldly as well.

Emelia knelt on the bed, wrapped her arms around his waist, and muttered, "Your Adam's apple is so hot. May I bite it, please?"

Julian was going nuts because of her temptation.

His powerful palms wrapped around her waist, and he said huskily, "Of course."

Emelia tilted her head and bit it. Of course, she didn't bite violently, but it made all blood in Julian's body surge into his brain.

He lost control, held her waist, and pushed her to the bed.

They made love wildly.


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