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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 423

Probably Julian looked too reluctant to let her go. Emelia didn't want to leave for a moment.

However, she knew she must go. Hence, she pushed him away. However, Julian pressed her onto the bed and kissed her wildly again.

After seeing Emelia boarded the plane, Julian felt the emptiness in his heart.

How he wished that his torturing day would end!

When Emelia's flight landed in the Capital, Vincent drove to pick her up. He directly sent her to the hotel where the training would take place. Hence, Emelia's half-month closed training began.

As soon as checking into her room and greeting her roommate, a young screenwriter, Emelia received a call from Julian. She wondered if he was calculating the time.

Julian requested a video call with her, but Emelia didn't think it was convenient because she had a roommate. Hence, she rejected it.

She dialed the audio call over. Julian complained, "Why didn't you pick up the video call? Don't you miss me at all?"

Emelia explained to him that she had a roommate. She added, "We've just separated, haven't we?"

She implied that she didn't miss him at all.

Why would she?

They had just been apart for several hours.

However, Emelia knew him well. She added, "I do miss you, but it has nothing to do with the video call, right?"

Julian reasoned with her, "I'll stop missing you too much when I see your face."

Emelia answered, "I can shoot a selfie and send it to you."

Hence, half a minute after hanging up the call, Julian received a selfie from Emelia.

It only shot half of her forehead. He didn't see her face but the ceiling above her head.

Julian replied, "Is this your so-called selfie?"

Emelia messaged him, "Sorry. It's a mistake."

Then she sent him another picture. Julian tabbed to look, almost fainting. In this photo, her eyes were exposed, but he still couldn't see her face.

Julian wondered why she had become so naughty. Evidently, she was kidding with him.

Julian replied, "Do you want me to buy a ticket and fly to the Capital right now?"

Receiving his threat, Emelia finally sent him a full selfie.

She was standing on the balcony of the hotel room. The background was the scenery outside the hotel. She was smiling slightly, looking enchanting and pretty.

Julian couldn't help smiling. He replied, "You look gorgeous."

Emelia entered, "Thank you for your compliment."

Julian wrote, "You are welcome. I'm telling the truth. After all, the top photographer wanted to shoot your photos. You are indeed a beauty."

Emelia could sense the intense jealousy from his words. Instantly, she changed the subject. "I need to sort out my suitcase. We'll have a kick-off meeting in the evening."

Finally, Julian was willing to finish chatting with her. Only then did Emelia have the time to sort out her belongings and sit down.

All the screenwriters in this training had checked in double rooms.

Earlier, when Julian heard that Emelia would have a roommate, he immediately wanted to arrange a single room for her, afraid that she wouldn't be used to having an unknown person as her roommate.


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