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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 446

Tara wiped away her tears and said to her agent, "Do you remember what Polaris said? She once told me that Emelia has been seeing an OBS-GYN doctor in a village. I need to get to the bottom of that."

Her agent, Maisie Brennan, asked in confusion, "If she is infertile, Julian will dump her, right?"

Tara froze for a second. "That makes sense."

The Hughes family needed a successor to inherit the family's fortune. Julian wouldn't be with Emelia if she couldn't give him a baby, would he? There were plenty of fish in the sea.

Women would fight for a chance to bear his child.

Tara said, "Maybe Julian know she is infertile but still chooses to be with her?"

"Do you think Julian really love her that much?" Maisie asked disdainfully.

Tara and Maisie had been staying in the showbiz for too long. They had witnessed too many breakups and too many fake relationships. They didn't believe true love existed in this society.

Tara herself didn't be with Trevor because of love. She was still a young girl when she met the middle-aged Trevor. What could she be after?

Tara had seen too many love affairs happened around her. Those rich men would still cheat on their wives even if their wives were perfectly fertile.

Therefore, Tara didn't believe that Julian could love Emelia unconditionally. Maybe her thinking was pure sour grape.

Tara continued, "Even if Julian really loves Emelia and is willing to be with her knowing that she is infertile, his family won't approve of that.

Especially his mother. As far as I know, his mother is a tough woman to please.

Anyway, we are still making assumptions. Let's sound Julian out. If he really didn't mind Emelia's infertility, we break the news to his family."

"Sounds good." Maisie nodded. "His family definitely won't approve of this. Even if we can't make Julian break up with Emelia, their relationship won't get his family's blessing."

While Tara and her agent were plotting against Emelia, Emelia went to visit Grandpa Hughes with Julian after they got back to Riverside City.

At the dinner table, Grandpa Hughes said sincerely, "Since you've gotten back together, cherish each other. Don't care about what other people may say.

It's okay if you don't have kids."

Grandpa Hughes knew that Emelia didn't want Julian to be childless his whole life because of her. He was afraid that she would blame herself for it and push Julian away. So, he pointed it out.

"People say when your children grow up, they will take care of the old ones. Look at me now. Am I old enough?" Grandpa Hughes quipped. "But that son of mine only brings me trouble."

He shrugged. "If you have the time to make babies, why not spend it on making more money. You can take care of most of the troubles in the world with money."

Emelia was amused by Grandpa Hughes' words. She didn't expect that a man of his age would be so open-minded.

Compared to Ezra's sexist father, Grandpa Hughes' attitude was so liberal.

His words reassured Emelia a lot.

Julian held her hand and said gently, "Grandpa is right. Let's just focus on advancing our careers and leave all other problems behind."


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