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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 447

"Aren't we a normal couple?" Emelia asked.

Julian grunted, "Of course not. Couples spend time with each other. We never do."

Emelia pondered for a second. "But this is my job. I have to be on set. I have to follow the crew."

Julian lay down next to her, looking despondent.

He thought that they would never be apart since they had gotten back together.

But that would be difficult if they were both going on business trips all the time.

"HGH is all yours now. Why don't you get all the crew members to work here, in Riverside City?" Julian said to Emelia moments later.

Emelia was amused. She lay on her side to face Julian and chuckled. "You really think that's going to work? Riverside City doesn't have a movie center. How are they going to shoot a TV series here?"

Julian replied slowly, "Then I'll build one for all the projects the Hughes Group invested in so you don't have to be away all the time."

Emelia was momentarily speechless. "Is he for real? Build a movie center in Riverside City? He is really made of money, isn't he?"

Didn't wait for Emelia's response, Julian suddenly sat up from the bed, looking serious, "I think this may really work. I have to make some calls."

With that, he grabbed his phone and went to the study.

She thought he was just kidding. But now, she was not that sure.

Emelia was thinking about talking him out of it when he got back.

He couldn't just make a decision on a spur of the moment. Building a movie center was a major project that needed him to really put some thought into.

However, Julian didn't get back from the study until Emelia had fallen asleep.

The next day's morning, Emelia woke up in Julian's cuddle. He was still sound asleep.

Emelia gently wriggled free of his arms, didn't want to wake him. However, Julian pulled her in before she could get out of the bed. "Are you getting up?" He sounded exhausted.

"When did you go back to bed last night?" Emelia asked.

"Around 2 a.m." Julian called an emergency meeting with the higher-ups of the Hughes Group to discuss his proposal. At first, they were strongly against the idea of building a movie center in Riverside City. However, Julian convinced them eventually.

Julian was a go-getter. After the meeting, he studied the siting of the movie center. When he finally got the time to take a break, it was already 4 a.m.

Afraid that Emelia would be worried, he told her a white lie saying that he went to bed at 2 a.m.

"Go back to sleep, then." Emelia's heart softened. She didn't expect that Julian would really put that absurd idea into practice.

Julian responded with a grunt, then fell asleep. Emelia tiptoed out of the bedroom.

Nina called right after Emelia had her breakfast.

"I didn't call you last night because I didn't want to disturb you guys. How did it go? You two are officially a couple now. How was he in bed?" Nina probed cheekily.

Emelia pinched the bridge of her nose. "I sometimes wonder what goes on in that head of yours."


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