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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 450

Emelia was really unhappy. Julian guessed right.

She really wanted to take pictures of vintage styles. But it wasn't because she wanted to debut or became how popular. Being able to promote the culture was one aspect. The most important thing was that she was a writer. In fact, she liked ancient things very much and craved that quaint culture.

If possible, she would like to create a period drama by herself.

Although "Princess Leilania" was also a period drama, the general idea and framework of the script were not hers, while "I Gotta Find You" was a purely contemporary drama.

Besides, "Princes Leilania" focused on plots and politics. The period drama she wanted to write was about fights among rich family. Although it was not a popular topic nowadays, it had a successful example before.

Nina had been friends with Emelia for many years. Seeing Emelia dragging her forward without saying a word, Nina knew that she was in a bad mood, so she stopped and said, "Since you are not happy, why don't you tell him?"

Emelia calmed down a bit, shook her head gently and said, "I don't want to quarrel with him. It's even more boring to argue."

Nina sighed and said, "You are just too gentle and obedient. If it was me, I would have to fight against him."

Emelia explained with a smile, "In the final analysis, I don't have such a strong desire to take the photos."

If she really wanted to shoot those photos, she would also be angry with Julian. But she wasn't grumpy as Nina. Maybe she wouldn't talk with Julian for a few days.

Nina was so angry that she laughed angrily, "You still speak for him?"

"No." Emelia said helplessly, "I just think he's annoying recently. He always clings to me like that. See, it was the two of us who made an appointment today, but he insisted on coming with me."

Emelia wasn't really angry with Julian. Maybe she was annoyed and a little impatient because he always followed her.

It was also possible that her period was coming, so she was emotionally unstable.

Nina said angrily, "What did you say? You are annoyed because he clings to you all day long. Have you considered the single women like me? I also want to have a man to cling to me, but I don't."

Emelia was amused by Nina's words, "Alright, alright. Let's stop talking about this annoying topic. Just go shopping."

Nina walked with her, while saying, "Fortunately, you weren't tricked by him. I was really afraid that you promised to take weddings photo with him. He didn't even propose."

In Nina's opinion, Julian had to make up for what he once owed Emelia this time after they two got back together. Besides, he had to make it up solemnly.

Emelia smiled to reassure her, "Don't worry. I know it."

Nina said, "Really? Who got married with him without any care, and then suffered a lot?"

Emelia was speechless by Nina's words. She seemed to be like this before.

"It won't happen." Emelia said again.

People always learned to grow up after being hurt.

They two did not continue chatting, but started shopping.

In fact, Emelia and Nina had a lot of clothes. Emelia now had the brand sponsorship of her cousin. As soon as a new product was released, her cousin would send it to her. So she had too many clothes at home.

Nina was sponsored by various brands, but she still liked to go shopping and buy some clothes by herself. In Nina's words, the feeling of spending money was different.

Julian called them twenty minutes later to ask where they were. Emelia told him that they were at the women's clothing store on the third floor.

After hanging up the phone, Nina said proudly, "I think he must have noticed that you are not happy, so he didn't dare to follow up just now."


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