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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 451

Julian finally chose to go to the coffee shop to continue waiting for them. When he turned to leave with a lot of bags, Nina laughed and even fell into Emelia's arms.

"So cool." Nina laughed, "I didn't expect you to be quite bad. You're not softened-heart when you trick him. I used to be afraid that you would continue to be bullied by him, but now I'm relieved. Hahahaha…"

After Nina finished speaking, she continued to laugh.

"Who let him to always follow us." After Emelia finished speaking, she poked Nina again, "Pay attention to your image, superstar."

She was laughing so loudly. If it was seen and photographed by paparazzi or fans, it would be not good.

Nina pulled up her mask, "It's okay. I have my facemask."

They two strolled around for a while before Emelia called Julian and asked him to go to have dinner together.

Naturally, it was Julian's treat. Then the three of them went back after eating peacefully.

After getting home, Julian went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. He couldn't wait to bully Emelia on the bed, because he felt that he had to vent his anger in this way.

Emelia didn't know his thoughts. She slowly packed up the spoils of her and Nina, and went to the bathroom after Julian's repeated urging.

After taking a shower, she was carried by him as soon as she walked out the bathroom. The two fell into the big bed behind them together. But when the two of them were kissing so avidly, Emelia suddenly felt a heat flow coming out from her lower abdomen.

She hurriedly raised her hand and pushed Julian away. Then she said slightly embarrassedly, "I just got my period."

Julian was stunned.

He couldn't believe his ears. Period?

He was turned on but she told him that her period came?

Emelia didn't have time to care about his reaction. She pushed him away, hurriedly got out of bed and ran into the bathroom.

It was indeed her period coming. Emelia suddenly felt a deep sense of slump while sitting on the toilet.

It meant that she was not pregnant at all.

Frances said they could try to have children, but now...

Although she knew that she couldn't get better all of a sudden, or she didn't even expect that she could get well completely, she still had expectations. Now that this expectation was shattered by the sudden arrival of her period. She felt so frustrated.

Seeing that Emelia hadn't come out of the bathroom for a while, Julian couldn't help but came over and knocked on the door. He asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"It's alright. I'm really on my period." Emelia adjusted herself.

As soon as Emelia saw Julian, she remembered his ravenous eyes on the bed before. She dropped her eyes and said a little embarrassedly, "Sorry..."

She wanted to say sorry and they couldn't continue. But when she said sorry, she was suddenly getting choked up.

Because she remembered the failure of her pregnancy, the word "sorry" was also mixed with emotions in this regard.

Noticing that she was in a bad mood, Julian stepped forward and hugged her directly.

He raised her chin and said, "Emelia, don't think too much!"

Emelia was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Julian to expose her mind so directly.

As early as when Emelia stayed in the bathroom and didn't come out, Julian didn't have that kind of thoughts at all.

He also keenly guessed she might have the sensitive emotions when she was on her period. Although they two got back together, it didn't mean that she didn't worry about whether she could have children.


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