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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 452

But Emelia also knew that Julian deliberately used brown sugar water instead of red wine to make her feel better, which showed that he really cared about her.

He really wanted to lighten up her mood. Emelia felt moved and her eyes were a little red.

Then she raised her head and drank the brown sugar water in one go. She handed the glass to him and said softly, "One more!"

Julian smiled, "My pleasure."

As he spoke, he got up and went downstairs again. This time, he simply brought up the whole pot, which contained the brown sugar water he had just boiled. It was better for girls to drink this during menstruation.

Emelia drank another glass. She felt that not only her stomach was warm, but her whole body was warm.

"Thank you, Julian." Emelia leaned over and hugged him, gently kissing the corner of his lips.

Julian enjoyed her hug and kiss like this. He put his arms around her waist and said, "I called the photographer this afternoon. I can see that you want to shoot those photos. So just shoot."

Emelia was very surprised, "You agree?"

There was a bit of resentment in Julian's tone, "Do I dare to disagree? You dragged Nina away without saying a word to me."

Emelia suddenly felt guilty, "Actually, I didn't get angry or ignored you. I was just a little unhappy at the time."

Julian's eyes were fixed on her, "I don't want you to feel unhappy."

"Julian, why are you so good to me?" Emelia was so moved that she hugged him and kissed him again.

The loss and sadness all dissipated because of Julian's careful company.

Emelia also secretly vowed that she would never have negative emotions because of this incident in the future. Otherwise, Julian would be worried about her again.

Julian kissed her back. Then he let go of her after a while, "Don't kiss me. After all, you won't help deal with it when I'm turned on."

She just wanted to thank him! Did it count as flirting with him?

Sitting back in her seat, she drank the rest of the brown sugar water in the wine glass, while Julian drank a glass of red wine.

Neither of them mentioned going back to the bedroom to rest. Because such a quiet and warm time at the moment was hard-won. They all cherished it very much.

Later, Emelia simply leaned on Julian. After a while, she changed into a comfortable position and lay on his lap. Julian took a blanket and put it on her. The two just chatted like that.

They didn't know why they started the topic of period dramas. Emelia was a little excited about it, and Julian was her faithful listener.

Emelia told Julian about her own general idea and the settings of some main characters. Julian gradually grew interested in it.

Sure enough, people who could write stories, could also tell stories so vividly.

Emelia had a lot of inspiration while talking. She simply got up from his laps and took her own computer, taking notes while talking.


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