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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 458

However, Emelia didn't expect that in the face of Tara's sowing discord, Heather would be able to stand on her side and teach Tara a lesson.

So even for this, she had to take care of the matter.

She said to Heather on the other end of the phone, "Do you think this matter can be hidden from Julian?"

Heather was silent at that end. Obviously, she knew she couldn't.

Emelia didn't say anything more, "I'll go to Julian and tell him what happened. Then we'll rush over immediately."

"Alright then." Heather could only accept it.

Now she could only pray that her son wouldn't be angry with her and say some harsh words to her after knowing what happened.

But Heather didn't regret her making such a fuss at all.

Heather originally lived happily in this small seaside town. The villa Julian bought for her was by the sea. It was a real comfortable life that she could see the sea after waking up every day.

Compared with her life with Gerhard, her current life today could be regarded as a carefree life.

Sometimes she occasionally thought about the child matter. Although she regretted it, she was no longer as stubborn as before. When she thought that if she insisted on making trouble with Julian about the child matter, she would not have such a peaceful and comfortable life. So she gave up.

That day, she suddenly received a call. It was a woman's voice.

The woman said on the phone that she wanted to meet her and talk about Emelia's matters.

Heather had been around. How could she not know these intrigues and tricks? She immediately agreed with a sneer. The woman asked her to meet at a coffee shop near her house this afternoon.

Heather agreed. She wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

Heather arrived at the cafe and sat down at the agreed position. She recognized at a glance that the person sitting across from her was Tara, even though Tara deliberately wore a mask to cover her face.

As for why Heather knew Tara, one was because she had nothing to do and watched various TV series all day. She was familiar with the faces of many actresses in the entertainment industry.

Second, Tara had always had a bad reputation in the entertainment industry. They all said that she was Trevor's lover. Besides, she was also extremely arrogant. Heather heard that Trevor's original wife was so angry that she moved abroad to live.

Heather herself was also cheated on. She hated mistresses, so she naturally had a deep impression on Tara.

"Tara White?" She said Tara's name directly, with undisguised contempt in her eyes.

Tara on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed and guilty for a while. She didn't expect Heather to recognize her.

But she didn't know that Heather was impressed by her bad reputation as a mistress. She only thought Heather was her fan.

Thinking of this, her mood and face were much better. She responded with a smile, "Yes, I'm Tara."

Tara said and took off the mask. Since she was recognized, she didn't need to cover her face.


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