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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 459

Heather had always been bitter and mean. Tara actually dared to provoke her.

Being splashed with coffee and humiliated by Heather like this, Tara was about to get mad at the moment. She viciously stepped forward and pushed Heather, scolding, "You old hag! No wonder no one loves you!"

Gerhard had been abroad all the year round. Even if they two had not divorced, they already had no feelings. Others already knew it. Tara unceremoniously poked Heather's sore spot.

Heather had always been aggressive. So naturally she couldn't stand being ridiculed by Tara like this. She immediately slapped Tara unceremoniously, "Even no one loves me, I'm also Mrs. Hughes. I'm better than you, a mistress!"

After being slapped by Heather, Tara felt the world was spinning in front of her eyes. She fell down on the sofa with her face covered. She couldn't recover for a while.

She never thought that Julian's mother would be so fierce and arrogant and she dared to slap people in public.

"What happened?" The staff in the cafe quickly gathered around. The few other customers in the cafe also looked over.

Tara felt that the situation was not good. She was not wearing a facemask now. If she was recognized and was found that she was fighting with others, she would be so embarrassed. It would be a shame.

So she hurriedly put on her facemask, covered her face and tried not to be recognized. She turned around and planned to leave in embarrassment.

She thought if she didn't pursue it, the matter would end here. But Heather shouted behind her, "Stop!"

Tara's feet trembled. She touched her mask and turned to look at Heather. She gritted her teeth and asked in a low voice, "What else do you want to do?"

Heather pointed at her expressionlessly and said to the staff at the cafe, "This woman slapped me. Call the police."

Tara was so angry. She couldn't help raising her voice and shouted, "What did you say? You were the one who splashed coffee on me first. Obviously, it's you who slapped me first. I just nudged you lightly. You dare to say that I slapped you?"

"You are throwing mud on me!"

Heather's actions really let Tara know what an unreasonable shrew was.

Heather didn't care what Tara said. She calmly commanded the staff to call the police, and then said to Tara mockingly, "Don't even think about leaving this cafe today!"

Since she dared provoked her, Heather, there was no possibility of running away.

She had to teach Tara a lesson.

Tara dared to provoke her with Emelia, so she couldn't let Tara go easily.

Although she was still a little dissatisfied with Emelia, at present her son only loved Emelia. They would still be a family in the future, so this matter was related to the reputation of the Hughes family. She must maintain it.

Tara was about to cry. If she could, she really wanted to sit on the floor and cry.

Didn't they say that Heather didn't like Emelia at all?

Didn't they all say that Heather was easy to provoke?

She tried so hard to sow discord between Heather and Emelia. But why was Heather targeting at her now?

Tara regretted it so much.


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