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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 465

Since Trevor was silent, his wife added, "Just talk to my lawyer. He'll pass your message to me."

Then she wanted to hang up. In a hurry, Trevor stopped her and said in frustration, "You'd rather give up anything to divorce me?"

His wife snorted on the phone. "Right. Now you should know how much I feel sickened about you."

Trevor was heavily blown, becoming upset indeed. He muttered, "Why? Why?

"Since I made you sick, why didn't you divorce me back then? Why did you insist on keeping our marriage until now?"

His wife answered naturally, "Of course, I wasn't willing to let you marry Tara White, that bitch."

Trevor gaped.

He had never expected his ever so gentle and graceful wife could speak such offensive words. He also hadn't expected her to tolerate him for many years because of her revenge on him and Tara.

His wife continued, "Now, Tara White is doomed. You are a snobbish man. For your future and Starixo's good, you won't keep in touch with her for sure. Of course, I should divorce you now. I don't want to be sickened by you any longer."

Trevor squeezed words between his teeth, "Aren't you afraid I'll marry her because of your stimulation?"

"You won't." His wife sneered. "There's a discord between you two already. You won't be together anymore.

"Of course, if you are willing to marry that woman with a ruined reputation despite the burden of the public opinions, I'll believe you two genuinely love each other. Then I'll send you my best wishes.

"By the way, I also have her erotic photos and flirting chat with other men. Before you get married, I can generously send them as my blessings to you."

"Shut up!" Trevor roared, completely losing control.

He felt that his wife turned out to be strange and horrible.

In anger, he threatened her, "You haven't worked for many years. After divorcing and giving up everything, what can you live on?"

His wife sneered again. "So, I'd rather suffer from poverty than stay married to you."

Trevor almost fainted in anger. In the past, he had thought he was the only one that his wife and children could rely on, so they wouldn't be able to survive after leaving him. Hence, he kept fooling around with women outside.

He was afraid of hurting them because they must rely on him.

He believed that they dared not to anger him. Especially his wife hadn't worked for many years, so she lacked the ability to make a living.


His children ignored him. If they were not blood-related to him, they would refuse to admit that he was their father.

His wife wanted to divorce him and said he had sickened her. She tried to break up with him even if she suffered from poverty.

Trevor fainted in anger.

His wife heard him faint. She hung up the call without any reaction and didn't care if he was alive.

Tara fainted in anger earlier, and so did Trevor. Finally, she had vented the anger that she had suppressed for many years.

Trevor was sent to the hospital. He was well, but he had a mental broken down. Lying on the bed, he felt spiritless. His wife's ruthless words fully occupied his mind.


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