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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 466

Trevor's phone started ringing right then. Vincent glanced at it and saw Tara's name. Raising his eyebrows, he stood up and said, "Trevor, you look well. I'm relieved. I gotta go."

Trevor saw Tara's name on the phone, becoming outraged.

If he hadn't hooked up with Tara and the latter hadn't been so arrogant to provoke his wife, his wife wouldn't have humiliated him.

He wiped to answer the call. Before Tara spoke, he roared in a fury, "F*ck off! You'd better get out from my face. I don't want to see you anymore in my life."

Tara said in a grievance, "Trevor, please calm down. Your wife said she would divorce you. I..."

Trevor interrupted her before she finished her words, "What do you want? She finally wants to divorce me, so do you think I'll marry you?

"Tara White, let me repeat. We're over. Even if I divorced my wife, I wouldn't marry you. Who do you think you are? You are just an unscrupulous woman. Do you deserve to be my wife?" Trevor's words sounded pretty offensive. He directly hung up the call after finishing his words.

Upon hearing his curse, Vincent left his ward, feeling relieved.

He was afraid Trevor would marry Tara because he had been hurt by his wife. It turned out that Trevor wasn't a fool.

Humiliated by Trevor, Tara howled in despair after tossing away her phone.

Trevor's wife told her that she would divorce Trevor, so Tara couldn't wait to call him. She hoped to be reconciled with him. She had lost everything. If she could marry Trevor, she wouldn't need to worry about the rest of her life.

However, Trevor called her a woman of loose morals...

Seeing that, Tara's agent left without looking back.

Tara deserved it.

Vincent told Emelia what had happened to Trevor while she was browsing the costumes for shooting photos in the cameraman's studio. The stylist would measure her to make the costumes.

Since Emelia would go to the Capital for a business trip, the preparation for her shooting could be done before she set up. After returning from the Capital, she could take the pictures right away.

On the same day, the magazine with the photo of Emelia and Nina started a pre-sale online. Right after it was available, the magazines were sold out. They were indeed popular.

Emelia felt amazed after hearing the news.

She double-checked the information from the magazine agency and confirmed that the magazines had been sold out. Then she turned around and asked Julian, "Have you bought our magazine to increase its sale?"

Julian laughed. "Nah."

He didn't do it indeed because he was always accurate in predicting the market.

This magazine was issued right after Nina had helped Emelia out of the bully. It also reported their valuable friendship. Hence, it was certainly popular.

Besides, Nina was a superstar with a large fan base.

Also, Emelia had some fans. Hence, it was reasonable that the magazine could be sold out quickly. Julian even didn't have a chance to buy one of them.

Emelia glanced at him intensely and decided to believe him.


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