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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 484

Nina on the side stood up and pulled her, "Let's go, come eat with me. You are even thinner than me. This is not okay. Besides, you have two babies in your belly, and they'll be hungry."

Nina's words successfully persuaded Emelia. She got up and walked to the dining table with her and Julian gave Nina a grateful look.

Nina raised her chin towards him. Julian was speechless.

However, both he and Nina meant good, and both hoped that Emelia could eat more. She was too thin, and if she didn't eat more, the two babies in her belly would cause more trouble for her in the future.

They sat down at the dining table and Julian followed.

Emelia stopped him in time before he pulled out of the chair, "I'll chat with Nina for a while. Why don't you go upstairs to rest first?"

Julian was speechless.

She clearly thought that he was on her way to chat with Nina, but why? Are they talking about other men?

Nina laughed out loud but still kindly comforted Julian, "Mr. Hughes, I have something to talk to Emelia about my love life."

The implication is that this topic is not appropriate for him to listen to.

Julian had no choice but to push the chair back, looked at Emelia resentfully, turned, and left without saying a word.

Nina asked Emelia in a low voice, "Is he angry?"

"No, he's not a green-eyed monster." Emelia didn't take it seriously, "Besides, when the two of us were chatting, it was inappropriate for him to be there. He didn't realize it then I asked him to leave us alone, which was showing him respect."

When Julian heard her words, he snorted heavily.

She just complained to Nina that he was easy to get jealous.

She also said she was showing him respect. But he doesn't need respect, he just needs to stay by her side and watch her every second.

He was going to tell her later that he was angry.

After Julian left, the chef served a few dishes. They chatted while eating.

Emelia was very happy and Nina didn't worry about her.

After eating, Nina looked at Emelia and asked, "Do you remember Douglas Cleveland?"

"Is that the rich guy who pestered you a few years ago? Didn't he go abroad?" Emelia remembered him. When Nina debuted as a new actress a few years ago, Douglas went after her in many high-profile ways, and then he was suddenly sent away by his father for some unknown reason.

Nina said casually, "He recently returned here and started going after me again. He even said he wanted to marry me that day."

"What?" Emelia was frightened, "Marry you?"


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