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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 485

Emelia and Nina were chatting downstairs, and Julian upstairs was not idle either.

Because of Emelia's pregnancy, Phil first complained in the group chatroom, "Julian, you haven't even gotten married but Emelia has been carrying twins. I'm really jealous of you!"

Phil was really jealous of him. He was the only one of them who was justifiably married, but he didn't have a chance to raise kids at all.

His sweet wife used her young age as an excuse all day long to go to graduate school or to study abroad for further studies. Or she wanted to concentrate on her career before she turned 30. In short, she had many excuses for refusing to give him a child.

If he ever deliberately didn't use condoms, he would be stopped immediately and sent to the guest room to sleep.

Now that Emelia is pregnant with twins, Phil is almost crazy with jealousy.

"Don't be jealous, you two will have children sooner or later." Arthur comforted him.

Julian replied, "There's no need to be jealous. You long for a child and sooner or later you will have it. It's not like someone who had it but then lost it."

Ezra, who had remained silent, "…"

He seriously doubted that Julian was satirizing him. When Maisie was pregnant, she decisively chose to abort because of his silence, but it had been a long time since that happened, right?

He didn't say anything today, so why did Julian mention this again?

But no matter what he said, he could only continue to remain silent. He has become less upright in front of Julian since that incident.

Downstairs, Emelia and Nina almost finished and it was getting late.

Emelia wanted to keep Nina here at night, but Nina refused, "No, I have to catch a flight tomorrow morning, so I won't disturb your rest. You take good care of the baby and take good care of my godson and goddaughter."

Nina was surprised to learn that Emelia was pregnant, so she asked the crew for a short leave and rushed back.

Emelia felt sorry for her running around like this and went up to give her a big hug, "Take good care of yourself."

"I know," Nina replied. Then she shouted, "Oh my God, I came in too much haste and forgot to buy gifts for the babies."

Emelia immediately grabbed her hand and said, "Please, don't buy anything."

She has been too tired to receive gifts recently and she doesn't want to hear the word gift anymore.

Nina laughed, "Okay, then I won't buy it. I'll make a big red envelope when they are born."

Julian arranged for the driver to take Nina home. After seeing the car disappear, Emelia immediately returned to the house with a heavy heart and said, "I have to call Viggo."

Julian was rendered wordless again.

In the middle of the night, she planned to call a man who once adored her. Did she consider his feelings?

Thinking of this, he immediately stepped forward and stopped her who took out her phone, "It's so late. What are you calling him for?"

"I have to ask him how long it will take for Nina's contract with Tymers Entertainment to expire. Nina said that she will not renew the contract when it expires and she is going to participate in some dating game show."

Julian breathed a sigh of relief, "You might as well call her agent directly. She knows more about her contract, doesn't she?"

Emelia explained, "She does know, but I'm afraid she will tell Nina that I asked her about this matter. By then Nina will definitely know that I am worried about her."


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