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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 492

When Emelia went downstairs for breakfast the next day, she found that the food on the table was a little different from before.

Julian, who was sitting opposite her, explained with a smile, "I called Arthur last night. He immediately asked the hospital nutritionist to design a healthy recipe for pregnancy. I have already given it to the chef. Today's breakfast is based on the recipe. Come, try it and see if you like it."

"I like it." Emelia gave the answer directly.

Julian frowned, "How did you know it without trying it?"

Emelia said with a smile, "You underestimate women's stubbornness in figure management. Since it is nutritious and can help me lose weight, as long as it is not particularly unpalatable, I will definitely accept it."

Julian said helplessly, "You're slim enough, but you still concern about the weight all day long. What should those who really have weight problems do?"

Emelia smiled, and then took the chopsticks to eat.

In fact, she didn't have any anxiety about appearance or figure before. She didn't know what happened recently. She had heard about women would get pregnancy syndrome. She felt that she needed to consult Jean Hilgard.

Jean was a professional psychiatrist, so she must know it very well.

Although Jean had left Riverside City and returned to her family, they still kept in touch with each other almost every day in the chat group.

Emelia told them that she was pregnant a few days ago. Maisie and Jean both called her excitedly and happily to wish her well. Maisie said that there was someone who could finally communicate with her about the pregnancy.

When breakfast was almost over, Emelia tentatively said to Julian, "Ms. Salkowski called me yesterday and wanted to invite me to share with her students how I became a screenwriter..."

Kelaina was hired as a visiting professor at the university this year, giving lessons to students majoring in screenwriting. She watched Emelia grow along the way. Emelia's experience was also the most authentic growth process in the screenwriting industry. So Kelaina really wanted her to share her experience with these students who were still in school today.

After all, any industry didn't start easily. Now many people were always thinking of being famous quickly, which was too impetuous. It was even more difficult to succeed.

Julian snorted, "Didn't you say you won't take up any work after taking the photos?"

Emelia explained helplessly, "But how can I refuse Ms. Salkowski's invitation? She is my teacher. It's just a lecture. It's not too tired."

Julian knew the importance of Kelaina for Emelia. He naturally wouldn't stop Emelia from giving this lecture. What he was helpless was that if this continued, Emelia would not have much leisure during the whole pregnancy.

He asked Emelia again, "Is the lecture in Riverside City?"

Emelia replied, "Yeah, it's in our alma mater."

Emelia and Julian both graduated from University of Riverside City. She also fell in love with Julian at first sight in that place.

When it mentioned the school, Julian gave her a thoughtful look, and then said happily, "Okay, I'll accompany you then."

"No need. You just go ahead with your work." Emelia felt that there was no need to let Julian accompany her to do this. Besides, he had arranged a bodyguard for her a long time ago. There was absolutely no problem with her personal safety when she went out.


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