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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 493

The lecture that Kelaina invited Emelia was held two days later. Julian personally drove Emelia to University of Riverside City, and then walked her into the hall where the lecture was to be held.

The picture of the two walking on campus with holding hands was really eye-catching.

Many students who met them even took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the two of them, which made Emelia feel very embarrassed. Julian simply hugged her into his arms, helping her block most of sights in this way.

Emelia sighed while she was hugged by him and walking, "Not everyone can be a star. There are so many people around us. I can't stand it. The whereabouts of Nina and the other stars are almost exposed to the public. Isn't it scary?"

"Well, since they enjoy the aura brought by the status, they will also bear some burdens that ordinary people can't bear." Julian actually didn't like this feeling of being overexposed. So he tried to keep a low profile as much as possible.

Emelia thought that Julian would stay to listen to her lecture. Then she would be a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Julian said that he had something to deal with, so he left first.

The lecture went very smoothly. After Kelaina's brief speech, it was Emelia's sharing time.

Emelia spent about half an hour sharing her experience from being unknown to becoming famous. The next was the time for other students to ask her questions. Emelia patiently answered them one by one.

After finally waiting for the end of the lecture, when Kelaina was about to announce that the students listening to the lecture were free to leave, a familiar voice came from behind the huge lecture hall, "Wait a minute."

Emelia, Kelaina and the students who were about to leave looked at the back door of the hall together. Then they saw Julian appear there with a large bouquet of red roses in his hands.

The man's eyes were affectionate.

Emelia was surprised and didn't know what Julian was going to do.

Julian strode from the back of the hall to the podium. He first briefly explained to the students below, "I take this opportunity today. There is something I want to do. Everyone, please be my witness."

As soon as Julian finished speaking, Emelia had already guessed what he was going to do. The students also guessed it, and suddenly cheered happily. They didn't expect that they would be able to witness a marriage proposal when they came to attend a lecture today.

After Julian finished speaking, he turned to look at Emelia, whose eyes were already red. He knelt on one knee without any hesitation. His voice was deep. He said slowly, "The reason why I chose to propose on campus is because here is where our fate started. I hope to give this fate a perfect ending here."

Emelia's tears rolled down all of a sudden.

This sentence was too poignant for her, and it was also very romantic.

As he said, this was where their fate began. It was on this campus that year, and she fell in love with him at a glance when she was still young and ignorant.

In the first few years of loving him, her life was hard.

But now, when she looked at the man kneeling in front of her, all the hardships she had suffered seemed to have vanished. All she could remember was his care and love to her.

Julian continued, "From now on, let me be your umbrella. We will never be separated."


"It's so romantic!"

There were bursts of envious exclamations from the audience. Kelaina didn't expect that Julian would suddenly propose to Emelia. She also applauded with the students with tears in her eyes.

"Emelia, marry me." Julian said again solemnly.

"I will." Emelia agreed without any hesitation while crying.


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