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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 526

"I don't need an assistant." Without considering anyone's feelings, Cameron coldly refused.

Melanie's eyes were moist as though she was about to cry.

She was also a person who had never suffered any failure or setbacks since she was born. But now Cameron rejected her in person, and she felt so humiliated.

Lucien quickly tried to smooth things over and dragged Cameron to the side. "What are you doing?" Melanie came all the way to see..."

Before Lucien could finish, Cameron interrupted coldly, "When you picked me up just now, you should know that I spent the night at a woman's house."

Cameron didn't lower his voice deliberately so that Melanie could hear him.

As expected, Melanie was shocked in disbelief.

Seeing Melanie's expression, Lucien almost jumped out of his shoes. He tugged at Cameron's sleeve and asked in a low voice, "I know it. So what? It means nothing!"

Lucien had indeed guessed it. However, Cameron didn't introduce the woman to him but waited alone at the entrance with suitcases. The woman didn't even show up. In his view, Cameron didn't take that woman seriously.

Perhaps it was just a one-night stand, which wouldn't affect him helping Melanie pursue Cameron.

Melanie was the youngest daughter of their tutor. In Lucien's eyes, Melanie was young, beautiful, and gentle. She was suitable for a cold fish like Cameron, who looked utterly emotionless. Most importantly, Melanie loved Cameron deeply. Weren't they a perfect match?

Cameron couldn't bother to speak with Lucien. He pulled Lucien's hand away and walked toward Melanie. "Melanie, your parents are both living abroad. Riverside City won't be your home."

In other words, she shouldn't have left her parents and come to Riverside City for him.

When Melanie heard what Cameron had just said, tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Seeing the young girl crying in front of the two men, Lucien couldn't bear to watch and hurriedly gave Melanie a tissue to wipe her tears.

Cameron didn't care at all and coldly continued, "Besides, I've already made it clear that I don't have loving feelings for you. If you insist on pursuing me, it will never work."

Cameron had made his attitude clear abroad when noticing Melanie's had an affection for him. It was just that Melanie hadn't given up all these years.

Cameron thought for a moment and added, "I already have someone I love, and I'll marry her in the future."

As soon as Cameron finished speaking, both Melanie and Lucien were stunned.

Lucien glared at Cameron as if he had seen a stranger. He had known Cameron for years but never heard Cameron mention someone he liked.

All these years, Cameron hadn't shown any interest in women. For a time, Lucien thought that he liked men.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have helped Melanie actively because he thought that perhaps Cameron was too dull to know his own heart.

Melanie felt the same way as Lucien.

Cameron had been single all these years, making Melanie believe that there was no loved person in Cameron's heart. And she had stayed with Cameron for years because of her father, so she surely thought that she had the advantage of being his girlfriend.

But who would have expected that Cameron could spend the night with a woman and even claim that he loved that woman?

Melanie felt that her entire world had collapsed, so she ran away crying.


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