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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 527

Cameron stared at Nina's radiant smile on the screen and squeezed his phone hard.

She still knew how to antagonize him.

"What's wrong? You don't look well." Lucien came over and looked down at Cameron's phone.

Cameron quickly put his phone away and gave Lucien a stern look. "Go and find Melanie at once!"

After all, Melanie was their tutor's favorite daughter, and he still couldn't let anything happen to her.

Lucien instantly lost interest in checking Cameron's phone and left to look for Melanie.

Lucien didn't expect all things to turn out to be a joke. Now he was the most embarrassed one to be caught in the middle.

Honestly, he did it out of kindness.

After Lucien left, Cameron walked into his office. There was a floor-to-ceiling window with a view of the broad sea. As he was staring at the sea and pondering what to do, he got a call from Viggo.

"Have you seen the news? Nina will join a love variety show," asked Viggo.

Cameron gritted his teeth. "I saw it."

Viggo was confused. "Didn't you go to see her last night? What's wrong with you two?"

Viggo and Nina lived in the same villa area. Last night, Viggo called to tell the security guard that Cameron was his friend and let Cameron enter.

That was why Viggo also knew about last night. Hence, he hurriedly called to ask Cameron what was going on when he saw the news.

"What do you think if a woman left you alone at the house?" Cameron spoke with his teeth gritted.

Viggo laughed. "You mean she pretends nothing happened?"

Cameron sneered to express his anger.

"Then what do you plan to do?" Viggo sincerely wanted to offer help. "Do you want me to persuade her?"

Viggo was a veteran actor and had cooperated with Nina for years. So he thought Nina would probably listen to his words.

"No need. I'll talk to her myself," refused Cameron.

Viggo replied, "Aright. But do let me know if there's anything I can help you with."

Then Viggo asked again, "By the way, when will you officially be back to the company?"

Cameron was one of the partners of Tymers Entertainment. Since Cameron had returned, he surely needed to run the company with Viggo together.

Cameron was silent for a moment before he answered, "Viggo, my future focus might still be on biological research. After all, it's my field of expertise."

"I understand." Viggo knew what Cameron meant. Cameron planned not to join the management team at present.

Cameron added, "I trust your management ability. I'd like to work behind the scenes for now. Let's talk about it when I need to be present in the future."


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