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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 553

Nina was wearing a suit. Inside the suit was a crop top. The neckline of the top was high enough. Nina had specially checked in advance that, together with the jewelry she wore, the hickeys should be well-hidden.

But she forgot to be a little more careful when bending over.

Got to admit that those people's eyes were really sharp. They were able to notice such a tiny detail and take advantage of it to deliberately attack Nina.

Nina glanced at Sherlyn and said embarrassingly, "Can I say that it was bitten by mosquitos and I scratched it?"

Sherlyn gritted her teeth, "It is early May now, you told me there were mosquitoes?"

Nina sat in the back seat angrily and said, "I'm an adult. Isn't it normal to have a sex life?"

Sherlyn rolled her eyes at her, "It's normal for you to have a man your age, but now you're openly single, which gives those antis an excuse to slander you. Do you understand?"

"You are the one who said that you are single on Twitter." Sherlyn said with hatred, "Just now when you mentioned the topic of love at the meeting, you also said that you have no intention of falling in love and you just want to work hard for your career!"

If Nina hadn't made such a statement, this matter could be resolved now. She could say that she has a boyfriend outside the circle. She is in a stable relationship with the purpose of marriage. Maybe her fans will resist for a while, or she may lose some fans and some resources, but not have a bad reputation.

But now...

Sherlyn could think of how gloating Nina's competitors were hiding behind the screen, and they would spend a lot of money on various drafts to describe Nina's private life as chaotic.

Emelia said softly from the side, "It's okay to say she had an allergy. The place where Nina is filming was originally humid, and the climate is completely different from our city. It's reasonable for her to have allergies."

Nina agreed with Emelia's statement, "Yes, allergies!"

"And there are people in our crew who are allergic. This excuse should be fine."

This is true. Their crew has been filming for the past few days, and several actors have been allergic. But Nina had no allergy at all.

Sherlyn swiped her phone quickly a few times and then made a decision, "I just checked the social media accounts of some of your co-stars. One actor is having allergies, and he also posted on Instagram, so it's solid. The humid climate in that area is indeed easy to cause skin problems, so I asked Sylvie to post a text in the name of the studio, using allergies."

After Sherlyn said this, she felt hollowed out, and she threw herself into the seat, "Please go to the crew quickly. I will cancel some of the recent events for you. Please stay with the crew and don't come out. I've been busy with studio renovations recently, and I really don't have the energy to do public relations for you!"

Nina stuck out her tongue, "Okay, I know, I can't wait to stay in the crew all day."

Then she doesn't have to interact with Cameron, right?

She hated him now, if he hadn't gone crazy, would she be in such a passive situation?

Sylvie then used the studio's account to post an explanation of his allergies, and the storm on the Internet stopped for a while.

But after a while, Sylvie called again and said, "Nina, the account that commented badly on you last time came to leave a message now, what he said this time was "liar". He is secretly targeting at you, right?"

They explained that the marks on her neck were caused by allergies. If the account commented on a liar, wouldn't that mean that they were lying?

Sylvie was so angry, "Who is this person, why is he looking for trouble all day?"

Nina also gritted her teeth angrily, "Just ignore him."

Sylvie said suspiciously, "This account is not Cameron's, right?"


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