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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 554

Cameron sent his grandma home, booked a flight ticket immediately, and then received a call from his mother.

Colleen Donovan said on the phone that she wanted to eat hot pot while his father had no time because of a meeting, so she asked him to eat with her.

Except for the whole thing about Nina, Cameron's relationship with his parents has always been harmonious. Randall and Colleen have a very good relationship and they are also very careful in taking care of this son. Therefore, the atmosphere in his family had always been warm and friendly.

He was a gentle and filial child, so he agreed.

It's just that he could not have thought that this time his mother would screw him.

When he drove to his mother's workplace, he saw his mother standing by the road with Michelle Byrd waiting for him.

Cameron's face was not very good at that time, he was not a fool, how could he not see the meaning of his mother's arrangement.

Colleen took Michelle and explained to him, "Cameron, Michelle just happened to come to me and said that she wanted to give me a few paintings. I thought it was noon, so I suggested that we had a meal together to express my gratitude..."

Colleen said in a very guilty tone at the end, because her son's eyes staring at her were really sharp.

She was doing this for him, okay?

She thought, he just didn't feel anything about Michelle for now because he didn't know her well, so she arranged this lunch.

She believed that he would be attracted to her after knowing her. In her opinion, Michelle was a good girl in terms of appearance and conduct.

If he liked her and his love life was stabilized, he would be motivated in his career and he wouldn't be doing nothing all day like this anymore.

Out of politeness, Cameron did not get mad in front of them, but he felt it was necessary to find a chance to tell Michelle clearly that he had no intention of dating her and asked her not to waste time on him.

The hot pot restaurant was chosen by Colleen. This restaurant was quite famous in Riverside City. She liked the taste of it very much, but encountering Nina was something that she did not expect.

At this moment, the two groups of people are standing in front of the car, looking at each other not far away with different expressions.

"How about... let's eat at another restaurant?" Emelia asked Nina in a low voice.

Nina stared at the man not far away, smiled, and said, "No."


The person who pestered her was Cameron, and the person who pestered her while taking other women to dinner with his mother was also him. No matter how she looked at this situation, she was not the one who should be guilty, so why should she avoid it?

Then Nina took Emelia's arm and walked towards the door of the hot pot restaurant. Julian locked the car silently and followed behind them.

Julian felt some sympathy for Cameron. He has been through this. At this time, there were other women around him, even if he had ten mouths, it would not be easy for him to explain.

After they three entered the restaurant, Cameron and the others made a move.

The moment she saw Nina, Colleen instinctively turned her head to look at Cameron, her son looked normal.

But the more he didn't respond like this, the more worried she felt.


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