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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 582

Sylvie went to the elevator and waited there. Then, Nina called Dominic.

After the phone was connected, she asked sharply, "Who paid you to make trouble for Cameron's parents?"

Just like Cameron, Nina also believed that Dominic was incited by someone. She knew her parents very well. They were the typical people who bullied the weak and feared the strong.

That day Cameron had hit him hard and smashed his antiques. Dominic must have been scared. Therefore, even if he had suffered a great loss, he would never dare to make trouble for Cameron, let alone make trouble for Colleen and Randall.

And if he wanted to make a scene, he would do it on that day instead of waiting for two days.

What Nina knew more was that although Dominic bullied the weak and feared the strong, he loved money more.

Therefore, if someone gave him a large amount of money, he could take the risk to make trouble for Colleen. That was why Nina directly questioned him in a determined tone.

Dominic did not expect that Nina could guess what he was doing at once. He was stunned for a moment.

Of course, he wouldn't admit that he was really instigated, so he jutted his chin out stubbornly and retorted, "What did you mean by getting paid? Why can't I make trouble without taking money?"

"Cameron beat me and your brother like this, and destroyed so many valuable things of mine. Can't I ask his parents for an explanation?" said he.

"Then why didn't you look for them that day?" Nina sneered.

"I...I..." Dominic stammered, trying to find an excuse. "It's because I was beaten by him all over and couldn't move."

"According to your character, if you wanted to make a scene at that time, you would ask someone to carry you to his parents, wouldn't you?" Nina's logic was meticulous and aggressive, which made him unable to speak for a while.

It seemed that Nina was careless and didn't care about anything, but in fact, she was smart and shrewd. She just didn't want to care about something.

But once it came to her bottom line, she could be smarter than anyone else.

At this moment, under her questioning, Dominic sweated on the other end of the phone.

"Dad," Just when Dominic was silent, Nina suddenly called him in this way. A shiver ran down his spine, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

He knew that Nina hadn't called him father many times since she was a child. Especially after that summer, they almost became strangers, to be exact, enemies. He knew that she hated him to death.

That was why he got goose bumps when she suddenly called him Dad.

Sure enough, she said, "This should be the last time I call you. From now on, we are strangers. If you continue to make trouble, we will be enemies."

Seeing that Dominic was about to scold her, Nina interrupted him directly without giving him a chance to speak, "Don't say anything about giving birth to me and raising me. I've had enough of such moral kidnapping. I don't know why you have the cheek to continue to morally kidnap me. You didn't even do this to strangers, did you?"

"I forgot that it's not the first time you want to destroy me. When you tried to send me to that old man's bed that summer, I should have made a clean break with you," sneered Nina. Dominic had nothing to say.

"During these years I have given you whatever you want due to the fact that you gave birth to me and raise me up. If you just play no tricks, I'll let you live a comfortable life as long as I can. But what have you done to me?"


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