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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 583

After Nina hung up the phone call, Sylvie really saw Cameron at the elevator entrance.

Sylvie put her hands in front of Cameron and said in a low voice, "Mr. Dauster, Nina told me to wait for you here. She said she didn't want to see you and she didn't have anything to say to you. Considering that there are so many people here, I hope you won't go to see her."

Cameron frowned, "I have to see her now."

Sylvie sighed, "Although I don't know what happened between you two, I think you'd better calm down now."

Cameron took a look at Sylvie, and Sylvie continued, "Nina doesn't seem to be in a good mood. As far as I know, if you go to find her at this time, her resistance and rebellion will be stronger. And the result will be the opposite."

Cameron pressed his lips and fell silent. At this time, the elevator came up, and another person came out. It was none other than Andrew Sonfield. Sylvie felt more distressed after seeing him.

In the two days when Nina was recuperating, Andrew tried to visit her more than once, but Nina declined him. So Andrew came to her, asking her to send some medicine and some food to Nina every so often.

After getting the consent of Nina, Sylvie put the stuff away and didn't give it to Nina. She put away the medicine and ate food. Nina was at the top floor. If the gift from Andrew appeared, Cameron would be very jealous.

However, although Nina had received the gift, Nina also told her to express her gratitude to Andrew in a clear and friendly manner. But the gratitude belongs to that from colleagues for helping and caring each other.

Sylvie felt that Andrew's flattering behavior was a little weird, as if he had an intention, and so did Nina. Therefore, the two of them became more cautious when it came to Andrew.

At this time, seeing Andrew suddenly appear on this floor, Sylvie was on the verge of collapse. Why was Andrew so persistent? Was he really going to pursue Nina?

Andrew was surprised to see Sylvie and asked, "Sylvie? Why are you here?"

The next second, he was attracted by Cameron, who was so outstanding that even he, as an actor who relied on his appearance in the entertainment circle, couldn't help but glance sideways at him.

He looked Cameron up and down and asked in confusion, "Who is he?"

"Oh, a friend of mine. He came to see me for something," Sylvie made an excuse.

Cameron was in a bad mood, and he became more irritable when he saw Andrew. Therefore, he looked at Andrew with hostility, as if he wanted to tear Andrew apart.

Andrew looked at Cameron in confusion and said to the Sylvie, "Is Nina here? I'll come over to…"

Before Andrew finished his words, he immediately felt the cruel sight of the man next to him. His back shivered and he immediately bit what he wanted to say back.

What's wrong with the man beside Sylvie?

Andrew thought he did not know the man and did not offend the man. Why did he feel like this man was going to punch him the next second?

Sylvie also sensed Cameron's hostility towards Andrew. She said to him in a hurry, "Nina just took some medicine and fell asleep."

Although the little girl looked a little dulled at ordinary times just like her boss, she didn't make a mistake at critical moments. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been kept by Sherlyn for so long.

Hearing what Sylvie said, Andrew couldn't go on visiting Nina. It was not appropriate for him to disturb her when she was sleeping.

Besides, there was a strange man next to him. He immediately gave up the idea of visiting Nina, and follow the excuse given by Sylvie. "In that case, I won't disturb her."


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