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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 593

How dare Nina eat with Douglas!

She totally ignored what Cameron said.

She was driving him crazy on purpose.

Also, Cameron felt heartbroken.

Cameron threw his phone aside in anger, scratched his hair, and kept pacing back and forth.

In the end, Cameron stopped and took his mobile phone. He quickly texted Nina and then waited quietly beside the bed.

Considering what Nina did, Cameron decided to put all his eggs in one basket.

In the bathroom, Nina turned a deaf ear to Sylvie's screams. Nina agreed to eat with Douglas because she wanted to be photographed. And then Cameron would be driven mad when seeing the picture. Everything went as she planned.

After taking a shower, Nina walked out of the bathroom in a bathrobe. Sylvie complained, "I told you not to have dinner with Douglas, but you didn't listen to me. Look, you have been photographed."

"Those entertainment reporters are really good at inventing a story. They are definitely going to win an Oscar."

Sylvie was very angry, but Nina said lazily, "It's not the first time they do so. They can do whatever they like."

After all, the entertainment reporters did best in gossiping.

Sylvie stomped her feet. "Nina, you shouldn't be so calm."

What those people commented on the Internet was scathing. Nonetheless, however anxious Sylvie was, Nina didn't take it seriously at all.

Nina ate the medicine that Sylvie prepared for her and then said, "Everything is okay today, so you can go back and rest. Just calm down, or you will get wrinkles."

Words failed Sylvie.

Sylvie thought everything would be easy if Nina could listen to her.

After Nina took the medicine, Sylvie planned to leave as soon as possible.

Hardly had Sylvie reached the door did Nina say through gritted teeth, "Cameron, you bastard!"

Sylvie was startled. She quickly turned around and rushed back, asking, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Nevertheless, Nina grabbed her phone and said, "It doesn't matter. You can go home now."

Before Sylvie could say something, she was pushed out of the room, so she shook her head and left.

A few minutes ago, Cameron was berserk, but now Nina almost freaked out.

Nina was irritated by the picture from Cameron.

In the picture, Nina was sleeping soundly on the bed. However, a closer look revealed that she was resting on a man's arm. Although Nina was dressed in pajamas, the others would get the wrong idea.

Nina was going crazy. She didn't expect Cameron to take such a photo while she was asleep.

What a despicable and shameless man!

Nina kept curing Cameron in her heart.

After a while, Nina calmed down a bit, so she called Cameron aggressively and roared, "Cameron, what do you want to do?"


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