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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 594


"You and Nina are going to get the marriage licenses tomorrow?"

Hearing what Cameron said, Lucien, who had just laid down on the bed, was frightened and fell off the bed.

Lucien felt he had suffered a lot from being Cameron's friend. Cameron always did something stunning.

"I remember you were just dumped by her, right?" Cameron had been so heartbroken that he nearly jumped from the top floor of a building.

Cameron ignored Lucien's words. "This is not the point. I need you to do me a favor tomorrow."

Lucien got up from the ground, lay down on the bed again, and said tremblingly, "I need some time to calm down."

Leaning on the head of the bed for a few seconds, Lucien scratched his hair and said, "By the way, since you want to get marriage licenses, do you need to do a pre-nuptial property notarization first? You are the boss of both Camcien Lifetech and Tymers Entertainment, you are much wealthier than her..."

Cameron said without hesitation, "No, all I have belongs to her."

Lucien said with a shrug, "What if she divorces you in the future? And you will have to give half of your wealth to her. That's a great deal of money."

Cameron said crossly, "I will prevent it from happening. I don't want you to mention this anymore."

Words failed Lucien.

Taking a deep breath, Lucien continued, "What if you don't like her anymore in a few years? By then, you will still have to give half of your wealth to her. And she could survive on it and won't need to do anything for the rest of her life. "

Cameron said annoyedly, "I have been obsessed with her for so many years. Why do you think I can fall in love with any other woman in the future?"

Cameron would be satisfied if he could get married to Nina.

As for other women?

He wouldn't even look at them.

"Cameron, you haven't lived with each other. I'm afraid you will hate each other after living together for a while." Lucien was as careful as a babysitter. He couldn't bear it that Cameron was so brainless in love.

Lucien would be quiet if Cameron was an ordinary man. However, Cameron was a billionaire. Besides, he was very young and would have a promising future.

It was a little stupid of Cameron not to do a pre-nuptial property notarization.

"Cut the crap. I'm the one to get married. Mind your own business." Cameron didn't even know how to explain it to Lucien. Lucien always thought Cameron was an immature and irrational man.

Cameron had made up his mind to love Nina forever since he was seventeen years. Otherwise, as an experienced businessman, he wouldn't have been so obsessed with Nina.

Cameron fought all the way for Nina.

He studied hard and started companies so that he could protect Nina. As a female star, she needed a strong financial support.

Even if Nina was almost the most popular, she would be gradually taken over in the entertainment industry, where only the youngsters were favored.

Cameron's current achievements were enough to support Nina.

Nina could continue to live a superior life without being ridiculed.


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