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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 595

Nina made up her mind that she would force Cameron to delete that picture when seeing him tomorrow. Besides, she would go through his phone to see if he saved any other such kind of photos.

Nina did regret that she had put too much trust in Cameron. How dare he photographed her when she was sound asleep.

Nina had thought that she would have difficulty falling asleep. However, she had a great sleep that night.

Nina instinctively fell asleep after she realized that she needed photographing in the courthouse tomorrow. An actress always attached great importance to how she looked in the picture. Hence, she had to have a good sleep so that she would look refreshed the next day.

On the contrary, Cameron stayed up all night.

Cameron was overwhelmed by the joy that he would get married to Nina tomorrow. What was more, he was afraid that it was just a dream, so he didn't dare to close his eyes.

The first time Cameron failed to fall asleep, he got up and ironed the white shirt he was going to wear tomorrow. He was so meticulous that all the wrinkles were removed.

After going to bed, Cameron tossed and turned for a long time and still couldn't fall asleep. He got up again and took the box with the diamond rings to his bedside, for fear that he would forget to bring it tomorrow.

After that, Cameron remained wide awake. Seeing that it was getting increasingly brighter outside, he got up and put on his clothes, took the car keys, and drove straight to the airport.

Even though Nina's flight would land in a few hours, Cameron drove to the airport. He acted as if Nina would escape.

Nina had a good trip to Riverside City. She came back alone with only a large bag.

Before the plane took off, Nina received a text message from Cameron, "I'm waiting for you at the airport."

"OK," Nina replied. Besides this, she didn't know what to say. The plane hadn't even taken off, but Cameron was waiting at the airport. What a fool!

In order not to be photographed by reporters, Nina walked through the VIP exit to the parking lot. Getting into Cameron's car, she told him to drive away quickly.

Fortunately, Nina's coming back was very sudden. No paparazzi knew about her flight, so she could meet Cameron in secret.

Cameron was reluctant to drive away at once. Even though it had only been two days since they last met, he felt as if a century had passed. Thus, he just wanted to hold Nina in his arms for a while.

After Nina fastened her seat belt, she found that Cameron did nothing, so she urged, "What are you doing? We should leave here right now."

After Nina finished saying this, she raised her eyes and looked Cameron in the eye. The affection burning in his eyes shocked Nina, so she quickly looked away.

Nina was wearing a bucket hat that covered most of her face, so Cameron couldn't see her face after she looked away. Considering that they would be found by paparazzi, Cameron calmed down and drove out of the parking lot.

After the car was on the highway to downtown, Nina took off her hat and turned to look at Cameron. She asked in confusion, "Why do you look so tired?"

Nina found it when she got into the car, but she was scared by the affection in Cameron's eyes, so she didn't dare to ask about it.

Cameron squeezed the steering wheel, thought for a while, and said, "I stayed up all night last night."

Cameron deliberately told Nina the truth so that he could win her sympathy. Sometimes it was not embarrassing for a man to do so.

"You didn't sleep all night?" Nina was stunned. Thinking of her good sleep, she suddenly felt a little sorry for Cameron.

Cameron could read her mind, so he continued, "I arrived at the airport at 4 AM."

Nina opened her mouth wide but couldn't speak.


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