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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 602

Michelle fell heavily to the ground, crying even louder.

She cried and shouted, "No, I'll not submit to such treatment!"

"I'm not willing to lose to her!"

"She's not good enough for you at all!"

"Get lost!" Cameron roared unbearably.

He is not someone who gets angry easily, but what Michelle did today was completely beyond his limit of tolerance. He just remembered that she had hugged his waist just now and he wanted to rush home to take a shower and wash his clothes.

Not to mention that Michelle was still there and said that Nina was not good enough for him, even if Michelle scolded him so ugly, he would not care, but he can't bear anyone to say bad words about Nina.

So he couldn't help but swear at her.

Cameron then turned around and went home. He made it clear that he didn't want to have anything to do with Michelle. Michelle fell to the ground, covered her face with her hands, and burst into tears.

There were tears of sadness and despair, and jealousy and anger. Nancy, who was hiding not far away, didn't dare to show up to help her and comfort her, for fear that Cameron would see it upstairs.

Nancy had no choice but to quickly take out her phone and call Michelle. Michelle was heartbroken and then she was brought back to reality by the ringing of her phone. After realizing the call was from Nancy, she showed a painful look.

What she asked Nancy to do was to help her take a video of her entering Cameron's house and staying for a long time, and then publish the video.

Then bystanders would know that Cameron has a relationship with her. Besides, it could make Nina mad. That would kill two birds with one stone.

But she never expected that Cameron wouldn't even let her in, so she had no choice but to hug him tightly when he turned around, hoping that Nancy could take a picture or a video of this scene. Whatever it was to cause Nina trouble was okay.

As for why she had a painful expression, it was because she was rejected by Cameron and was thrown to the ground., which was seen by Nancy and she felt embarrassed.

In the past, she always felt that she was superior to Nancy, so when she was with her, she was quite genteel, but now...

Michelle closed her eyes in pain and struggled to get up from the ground to answer the phone, she burst into tears as soon as she opened her mouth, "Nancy…"

Now Michelle can only go down the road of sadfishing, hoping to win some sympathy from her, so that she will not laugh at her too much.

"I saw it all, you should leave here first." Nancy comforted her, "Let's meet later, and then we will discuss how to deal with this matter in detail."

"Okay." Michelle cried and walked to the car that was parked beside her.

"Does it hurt?" Nancy was concerned about her on the phone, "It's not convenient for me to show up to help you right now. That Cameron is too mean."

Nancy's words saddened her more, she turned and said, "Talk to you soon. I'll drive."


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