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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 603

As a good friend, although Nancy will support Michelle's decisions no matter what, she still felt that it was not worth it for her. Michelle used to be a good girl but she became a girl who has no bottom line just for a man, which was too heartbroken.

Just hearing her slightly dissenting words, Michelle's eyes were filled with tears immediately, she held Nancy's hand and said sadly, "Nancy, you don't want to help me now?"

Nancy denied quickly, " No, I just don't think it's worth it for you."

Michelle wiped away her tears and gritted her teeth and said, "I know it's not worth it, but I just can't let it go. He humiliated me so badly, shouldn't I fight back?"

As Michelle spoke, she showed the wound on her elbow. Nancy's attention was drawn to the fact that she was being humiliated and bullied and she completely forgot the reason why Michelle ended up like this was her own obsession.

So Nancy immediately said, "Since you have decided to do this, then I will support you. Don't worry, I will edit this news and send it out when I go back."

"Well, thank you." Michelle smiled.

She got up and walked to the side, took an exquisite packaging box, and handed it to her, "Didn't you send a Moment a few days ago that you liked this bag? I asked a friend to buy it from abroad and give it to you as a present."

Nancy smiled at the first sight of the bag and when she heard her words, she couldn't hide the smile and said, "Oh, this is too precious, I can't take it."

Michelle insisted on giving it to her, "You've been busy for me and I have always felt bad about it. Please take it."

"Well, thank you." Nancy took the bag from her hand.

This is the bag that she has been wanting for a long time, but she cannot afford it. To tell the truth, she was not willing to spend so much money to buy such a luxurious bag.

Nancy accepted the gift and she immediately became more motivated, "Since you have decided to do this, I'll go back and edit the photos quickly."

Michelle nodded, "Okay, thank you."

After sending away the elated Nancy, the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

How could she feel nothing after giving such an expensive bag away?

But she also knew that Nancy as someone working for the media could help her a lot, so she had to maintain their friendship, and she knew that Nancy was especially fond of taking advantage. She could unabashedly say that Nancy wanted to be her friend because that she can give her some small benefits from time to time and satisfy her vanity.

Nancy is not from a wealthy family, and she and her boyfriend have just bought a house in Riverside City, and they have to pay a high mortgage every month, which makes them even more financially strapped. Some cosmetics and treats were enough for her.

This time, because she was going to use her to do such a big thing, she bought this bag for her at a great cost, and now it was all up to her.


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