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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 617

Cameron's attitude was clear. Lucien had to give up the idea of getting Melanie into Tymers Entertainment.

Before hanging up the phone, Cameron reminded Lucien, "I know you are very respectful to our teacher, but Melanie has nothing to do with us, neither me nor you. We aren't obliged to take care of her all the time."

"She's an adult. She should be responsible for what she does. If she wants to be an actress, let her be. Whether she'll become successful or not relies on herself."

Cameron sneered after saying this. His laughter was full of contempt and disgust. It was obvious that he didn't think Melanie was comparable to Nina.

Being an actress was a tough job. Few would make it.

Melanie had never experienced the hardships of living in the world. She was not for the film and TV industry.

Lucien replied, "I get what you mean. I'll call our teacher and ask him to decide where shall Melanie go."

"Okay." Cameron ended the call.

Cameron knew Lucien very well. He knew that Lucien was very serious. Lucien's family wasn't rich. Their teacher had helped him a lot when they were abroad. That was why Lucien took care of Melanie so carefully.

However, Cameron thought that since Lucien didn't have any feelings for Melanie, he should stop.

Cameron had asked Lucien if he liked Melanie, Lucien was startled by the question and almost fell off the couch. He said that he had no interest in Melanie. He took care of her just to pay back his father's favor for him before.

Now Melanie wanted to be an actress. Lucien should stop bothering himself with her issue.

The next day, before Nina got up, she got an audio message from Cameron. "Are you awake? I need to tell you something. It's important."

Cameron should have woken up not long ago. His voice was husky and alluring.

Nina replied, "What's it?"

Seeing that she was awake, Cameron instantly called her by video. Nina didn't answer it.

Cameron then sent a question mark, asking why she hung up the video call.

Nina said unhappily, "I haven't even washed my face. I look like a mess. I am not answering it now."

"I've seen you in a worse state," Cameron called again.

Nina couldn't do anything. She rubbed her hair and connected the call, showing only her eyes.

Cameron was speechless.

Cunning girl!

Yet just her eyes were attractive enough.

Nina looked at the man in the video, who was half leaning on the head of the bed in a relaxed posture. His robe was loosened, maybe a little bit too much. Nina knew what he was thinking at a glance. He was trying to seduce her again.

She coughed, asking, "Aren't you cold up on the neck?"

"Nope, it's hot." Cameron then loosened his collar even more.

Nina snorted, "Dress properly, will you?"

"I am your husband now," Cameron said, lifting his eyebrows.

"Fine." Nina sneered, rolling her eyes.


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