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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 618

Cameron answered her with a smile, "Mrs. Dauster is very clever in my heart. She is not stupid at all.

Nina snorted, "Give me back my money!"

He was a billionaire, yet he asked her for money. That was shameless.

Cameron said, "Forget about the money. Now all my possessions are yours. You can take as much as you want."

Speaking of this, Nina recalled that they didn't sign the prenuptial agreement. Now since he admitted that he was the other partner of Camcien Lifetech, Nina asked, "Why didn't you make the premarital notarization?"

She felt it was unfair to him. She was rich as an actress, but her wealth was nothing compared to his.

"Do you think our relationship is measurable by money?" Cameron was unhappy to hear that.

Why didn't he do it?

Because he trusted in them. He believed they would be together forever. Their interests would combine. They would be one.

Nina understood what he meant. she lowered her eyes to defend herself, "I didn't marry you for your money. But what if something happens between us one day? "

"There won't be such a day!" Cameron interrupted her fiercely, "I would never return single unless my wife is dead. Divorce and broke-up don't exist in my dictionary."

Nina was speechless.

She said helplessly, "Do you have to go so far? I was just saying if…"

"Not even!" Cameron remained aggressive.

Nina glanced at him obliquely, he could be gentle as hell, yet at the same time overbearing.

"Forever is a long time," She tried to say something, but Cameron interrupted her again.

"Do you think so?" Cameron stared deeply at her, "But for me, life is very short, and we have been separated for many years. Now you don't think about how to cherish our life together yet thinking about breakup with me?"

"Nina, how can you be so heartless?"

Nina was speechless, she was just reminding him.

He would and give up everything for love, so would she.

As long as they loved each other, nothing else mattered.

Nina and Cameron couldn't figure out why Colleen and Randall had remained silent after knowing that she and Cameron had gotten married. The fact was, they didn't dare to call Cameron.

They didn't see the statement immediately last night. They were exhausted after returning from the hospital.

They heard it from Joshua. He called them just when they entered the door.

Colleen was shocked. "What? Married?"

Her mind went blank. She didn't understand what she heard.

Joshua said, "Just check the news."

Colleen hung up the phone in a hurry and looked up the news immediately.

She saw that Michelle was exposed and then saw the statement. At the end of it, it said that Cameron was married.


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