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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 621

A notification popped on Andrew Sonfield's phone. It turned out to be a message from Jillian. "Nina must be pissed. You know how everyone is saying that Cameron is too good for her?"

Her tone reeked bitterness. It turned out that Cameron was one of the founders of Camcien Lifetech. The fact that his leading business was wroth 9 figures blew Jillian's mind.

Although she didn't know for sure if Nina and Cameron had gotten back together, she still couldn't bear the thought that Nina was Cameron's ex. She thought a man like Cameron deserved better.

Therefore, Jillian hired a bunch of people to troll Nina on the Internet, pushing topics like "Cameron Dauster can do better than Nina Sanchez" meaning to belittle and gross out Nina.

"Nina is talking with her assistant about what are they going to have for lunch right now, seemingly unperturbed." Andrew typed back calmly.

Andrew lied. Nina and Sylvie weren't talking about food at all.

He knew Jillian was seeking some sort of reaction from Nina. He didn't want to give Jillian that satisfaction.

Andrew didn't know why he found Jillian more and more annoying.

Before he met Nina in person, all sorts of assumptions he made were based on Jillian's acerbic complaints about Nina. After getting to know her himself, he found that Nina was nothing like Jillian had described.

Nina was indeed very straightforward, but she wasn't mindlessly blunt like Jillian had said. Instead, he found Nina's EQ was very high. Oftentimes, she acted that way just to resolve some disputes and defuse awkward situations in the crew.

Also, Nina was very dedicated to her career. He knew how hard it was to produce a military-themed TV series. Nina quickly got back to the high-intensity work when she barely recovered from her stomach disorder. She never made stunt doubles fill in for her when filming some dangerous scenes.

Andrew didn't know that Nina was such a skillful actress. Jillian had always said that Nina was frail and couldn't finish the action scenes on her own.

He bought Jillian's nonsense because Nina simply looked too delicate for someone who was so tough. But now...

He realized that he was wrong about Nina.

Now that he knew how nice a person Nina was, he naturally changed his mind about colluding with Jillian in plotting against Nina.

Sure enough, Jillian was obviously frustrated after reading his reply. "How can she be so calm? Doesn't she care about her reputation at all?

Has she no shame?"

Andrew ignored her angry messages.

Seeing that Andrew didn't reply, Jillian called to question him, trying to vent all the anger on him. Andrew found somewhere more private and answered the phone.

"You are with her every day. Just get more intimate with her and ask your assistant to snap a shot. What's with the dilly-dallying?" Jillian sputtered.

Andrew almost lost his patience. "I've told you millions of times before. You know how many people there are in the crew. She won't come to see me after getting back to the hotel. How can I get more intimate with her?

She won't stay on set after shooting. Most of the time, she is in her vanity van. I barely get the chance to speak to her, let alone getting more intimate with her."

At first, he tried to get into Nina's room under the excuse of delivering allergy ointment. But Nina just asked him to bring that to her on set.

Later, he made another excuse, saying that he wanted to check on her. Nina turned that down as well.


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