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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 622

Nina didn't expose his lie. Instead, she smiled and brushed it off, "So it was a business call. I thought you might need some relationship advice from me. No one knows a girl like a girl does, you know."

Just then, the director called them to start shooting, and they quickly got into the role.

It took them some time to finish shooting the scene. Just as Nina was about to go back to her vanity van, she saw Sherlyn standing next to Sylvie, fuming with anger. Sylvie was holding her breath, afraid that any unnecessary movement might cause her to burst.

Nina took a deep breath, forced a smile, and ran towards Sherlyn. She hugged Sherlyn warmly and asked, "My dearest Sherlyn. What are you doing here? Miss me?"

"You know exactly why I'm here." Sherlyn snorted and rolled her eyes, ignoring Nina's ingratiation. If they weren't in public, Sherlyn almost wanted to choke Nina to death.

"To the car." Sherlyn gnashed her teeth.

Just as she finished her words, the director came to say hello to her. Sherlyn immediately gave him a warm glowing smile and greeted the rest of the crew cordially.

Sherlyn had established herself in the industry over the years. The directors had to treat her with due respect. After a few rounds of small talk, Sherlyn took Sylvie and Nina to the vanity van.

Andrew looked in their direction and wondered why Sherlyn was here.

Moreover, judging from Sherlyn's expression, she was definitely not happy about seeing Nina.

He knew that Nina didn't renew her contract with Tymers Entertainment and established her own studio instead. In that case, Sherlyn should be busy renovating the studio and managing business relations in Riverside City. The fact that Sherlyn dropped everything on her hands and flew here just to meet Nina didn't seem to add up.

Andrew could only assume that Nina had caused some big trouble last time she went back to Riverside City. "She must have tied the knot with Cameron without telling Sherlyn. That's why Sherlyn seemed so angry!" Andrew thought.

He took out his phone, meaning to tell Jillian about his assumptions. However, just when he was going to dial the number, he changed his mind. He was fed up with Jillian's incessant urging and annoying attitude.

Most importantly, he was the lead of this show. Nina's scandal would present the show in a unfavorable light. If the show tanked, he would have to suffer as well.

Just now, he tried to talk Jillian out of her stupid plan. However, Jillian snapped, saying that he was protecting Nina because he had feelings for her.

When Andrew said that her plan was no good for him either, Jillian simply told him that she could have someone else to replace his role in the show. He would have to suffer no matter what he chose to do. If he talked with Jillian just one more second, he would explode. Therefore, he hung up the phone.

Andrew really got himself into a difficult position. If Jillian really kicked him out from the show, there was nothing he could do.

He didn't want to lose his role, but he also was tired of helping Jillian plot against Nina.

The second they got in the van, Sherlyn made Nina sit and put her hands around Nina's neck in a joking way. "You little troublemaker. I'll let you die here!"

Sylvie tried to stop her. "Sherlyn, just calm down."

Nina, on the other hand, couldn't hold back the laughter.

Sherlyn loosened her grasp, found a seat, and wailed, "Where did I do wrong? Why can't you make things a little easier for me?


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