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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 624

That was a brilliant move Sherlyn just made there.

She firstly pointed out that Andrew had been extra nice to Nina before asking Cameron to help do some background investigation. Cameron couldn't possibly ignore that request.

Sure enough, Cameron's positive answer sounded. "Of course."

"Thanks," Sherlyn replied.

Cameron had long sensed that Andrew might have some ulterior motive. Even if Sherlyn didn't bring that up just now, Cameron would still do it for Nina without asking any question.

Cameron wouldn't allow anyone to lay a finger on Nina. If Andrew dared to hurt Nina in anyway, Cameron would destroy his career in the entertainment industry.

Nina was surprised by Sherlyn's move. She tutted after Sherlyn hung up the phone, "Wow, you surely know how to use your resources."

Nina didn't really want Cameron to know about Andrew. Sherlyn just ratted her out on the phone.

Sherlyn smiled. "Do you know how much trouble you and Cameron had made for me? So what if I trouble him a little?

Also, you guys are a couple now. You two are one."

Nina disagreed. "No, we are not."

Although they were married, they were still two independent individuals and had their own businesses to handle.

Now, it was Sherlyn's turn to be at a loss for words. Nina usually gave clever relationship advice to other couples. Why was she stuck at the dead-end of her own relationship?

Sherlyn said earnestly, "Nina, my dear. Why do you think Cameron told the public that he is the co-founder of Camcien Lifetech?"

Seeing that Nina was puzzled, Sherlyn continued, "He did that because he wanted to protect you."

Nina laughed. "Nonsense. He did that for himself. He is back now. If he intends to stay, he has to have a decent job. "

Sherlyn shrugged. "His company is doing well even if he didn't reveal his identity. He could have just stayed abroad and kept doing what he was already doing."

"But he chose to go back and be with you. By revealing his identity, he is actually paving the way for the disclosure of your relationship." Sylvie's remark had hit the nail on the head yet again. Sherlyn gave Sylvie a thumbs-up.

Nina bit her lower lip and sighed.

Cameron had been nothing but a considerate husband these days. It made her seem like a heartless woman.

Well, she would have to make it up to him when they met then.

Sherlyn left in a hurry after addressing the matter. Nina and Sylvie stayed on set to continue their work and kept more of a sharp lookout for every move Andrew made.

When Nina received a friend request from Colleen, she was shocked

She called Cameron for help before she did anything.

"Your mom just sent me a friend request..." Nina clearly hadn't recovered from the shock.

Cameron replied calmly, "Yeah, she said she wanted to apologize. Since you are away, she thought she might do it on the phone."

"You could have told me about that. I almost got scared to death." Nina sounded annoyed.


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