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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 625

Randall's words did give her a nudge.

However, Colleen felt much more relieved after hitting SEND.

There had to be someone to break the ice. It didn't matter if it had to be her.

After reading Colleen's message, Nina pondered for a while before texting her back, "I accept your apology. It wasn't all your fault. I was too young and too reckless. I didn't know what love really was. I also have to make an apology to you. Sorry for making you worry about Cameron's future."

Since Colleen had already apologized, Nina naturally softened her attitude. It didn't take long before she received Colleen's reply. "As you said, let bygones be bygones. You and Cameron are married. We are a family now."

Nina smiled and put down her phone. Colleen's apology was sincere. Nina was never the kind of people to hold grudges. Since Colleen was willing to treat her with respect, she would naturally show Colleen the respect she deserved.

Then, Colleen asked Nina to have dinner together after she wrapped up her work and returned to Riverside City. Nina agreed.

Now that she thought about it, her being able to patch things up with Colleen so quickly all thanked to Cameron. It was Cameron who made Colleen see through Michelle's fake persona so that Colleen could take a good look at Nina and get to know her again, unbiased.

She suddenly felt that she missed Cameron very much, so much that all she could do was thinking about him.

Seeing that Nina was a bit absent-minded, Sylvie asked with concern, "Nina, are you okay?"

Nina cupped her cheeks. "I miss Cameron so much. I think I'm lovesick. What should I do?"

Sylvie was surprised by Nina's words. She didn't believe such cheesy lines just came out of Nina's mouth. Ever since Cameron came back, all Sylvie could sense was Nina's repulsion against him.

Sylvie had never thought that Nina could say such things.

Nina rolled her eyes at Sylvie. "What? Can't I miss him?"

Sylvie nodded. "Of course, you can! He is your husband. It's only natural! It's only reasonable and legal!"

Nina was amused by her words. "I was just a little surprised. You never really show your feelings in front of us," Sylvie explained.

Nina snorted, "If I tell you how much I miss him every day, it will get old. And you will start complaining."

Sylvie shook her head vigorously. "No, it will never get old. Spare no detail."

Sylvie had been rooting for Nina and Cameron for so long. Now that they were finally together, Sylvie wouldn't want to miss any romantic detail in the life of her favorite couple.

All she wanted to complain about was that Nina and Cameron were too low-key to share anything with her.

Nina was amused by her little assistant yet again. The two laughed together.

The brand activity was scheduled a long time ago. Therefore, Nina had informed the crew early on and asked for a leave. Before leaving for the airport, however, Andrew unexpectedly stopped Nina's car at the gate of the hotel.

Nina was just about to get in the car when Andrew caught up. "Sorry. Would you mind giving me a ride? I'm also heading to the airport," he said.

Nina raised an eyebrow. Instead of rejecting him directly, she asked, "Do you also have to attend some event today?"


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