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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 633

Andrew also retweeted Nina's tweet, and their interaction created a wave of buzz on the internet. Still, the word was generated by Nina, a famous actress, not Andrew, who is at best a couple with Nina in the drama.

The threads praised Nina's beauty without makeup and her relationship with Andrew's colleagues. Of course, some are curious about whether there is any male/female affair between Nina and Andrew.

Nina is a famous actress, and any man she's seen with will be a source of interest.

But with their open and generous gestures, it is unlikely that there is anything at all.

If she and Andrew were having an affair, Nina would never have released such a photo or would have jumped to explain herself.

The most popular topic on the blogging site was "Nina's beauty without makeup".

When Nina saw this, she couldn't help but be dumbfounding.

She hadn't planned to take a photo with Andrew and tweet about it, but she quickly decided to prove that she and Andrew were open and honest.

She didn't wear any makeup because she was having dinner with Cameron and Sylvie after dealing with Andrew, not with anyone else, so there was no need to wear any makeup.

Jillian was furious after the buzz, as Nina and Andrew's actions had led her to conclude that Andrew had turned on her, and she was so angry that she kept calling Andrew, but Andrew had blacked out all her contact details so that she couldn't contact Andrew herself.

She called Andrew's assistant but was still unable to get through.

In the name of dinner, Andrew's assistant was trapped in a private room by Sylvie, with two brawny men not far behind him, so how could he dare to answer Jillian's call?

So, Jillian ended up with no one to call, so angry that her lungs were like to explode, and she smashed everything she spotted in the hotel room.

Nina Sanchez!

Jillian was snarling Nina's name repeatedly, wanting to tear her apart.

After Nina's temporary restaurant change, she had planned to bribe a marketing agency to start a rumour that Nina and Andrew were having an affair. Still, to her surprise, Nina posted a photo of her and Andrew together before she could.

Jillian's plan was aborted before she could carry it out because of her openness.

And then there's Andrew. Jillian didn't think Andrew would cooperate with Nina; for Jillian, there's nothing to be sad about losing Andrew; she has plenty of male companionships.

But she was annoyed that Nina was in partnership with Andrew, and she wouldn't have cared if it had been any other woman, but it was Nina, and she had lost out to Nina again, which made it difficult for her to take it.

Jillian's first thing was to call the show's producer, Andrew and Nina were currently working on it, stating that she wanted Andrew replaced.

Indeed, her relationship with that producer was unusual. Whenever she was in the same city as the producer, he was usually in her bed.

After hearing her request, Jillian didn't expect that; the producer simply said, "Jillian, why are you so ignorant? The drama has been filmed for so many days; how can you just change people at will?"

"Besides, don't you know the subject of this drama? The relevant departments above are following up the progress of this project as well. Now you're making a fuss about it! Changing the actors? Do you want me to be banned by the industry in the future?"


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