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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 634

Jillian yelled at her manager, "Can't you say something nice?"

What she said about Nina being such a catch that even the rich and handsome Cameron Dauster fell for her, this really exasperated Jillian

After yelling, Jillian added, "Who knows if she's hooked up with Cameron? Maybe Cameron is talking about someone else as the Mrs. Dauster."

They knew that Cameron was married, but they had no substantive proof that Mrs. Dauster was Nina.

Jillian deluded herself into thinking that as long as there was no proof that it was Nina, it wasn't Nina.

Her manager had to say, "I've asked many people to look into Cameron's marriage but find nothing. My instinct tells me that it's probably Nina, and if it weren't, Cameron wouldn't have made such a fuss about the relationship."

If Cameron's wife were an ordinary person, he wouldn't have had to make such a big deal out of the secrecy.

"Besides, if Nina hadn't gotten on with Cameron, do you think she would have had the power suppress you?"

Now everyone knows that Cameron is the owner of Camcien Lifetech and that the power of money is formidable.

The manager's words made it tangible proof that Nina was Mrs. Dauster. Jillian cried out in anger when thinking of how the producer had scolded her, "Why? Why! In what ways am I not better than her?"

"When I was a big star, she was still an extra in whatever low-budget production, so how come I'm not as good as her now?"

The more Jillian thought about it, the more resentful she became and the more she cried.

She and Nina were actresses that debuted at about the same time, and she had gotten a good role right from the start because she had taken a shortcut with her body, and then she had played many leading roles and was once in the limelight.

She didn't take Nina a serious back then, but now...

Now Nina was way out of her league.

"All right, don't make a fuss, flowers withered, no one will be popular all the time, if you are over the hill, Nina will be the same sooner or later; the only thing we can do now is to get her out of the limelight as soon as possible," said the manager on the other end of the line.

Jillian was annoyed, "How do I make her flop when she's using money to drive me out of the game?"

The agent sneered, "Have you forgotten about her fantastic parents?"

Jillian's eyes instantly lit up.

The agent continued, "Her parents were out of this world! They value money over their life and don't love Nina at all. Let's start from them.

"I also heard that she broke up with Cameron back then because Cameron's mother didn't like her. We can also use that to make her some trouble and let the whole Internet know that the Dausters do not like her."

Jillian's gloomy mood was instantly lifted, just short of clapping her hands and shouting, "If you hadn't mentioned it, I would have forgotten she had parents like that. What could make her fall from the clouds to hell overnight for a public figure?"

Her manager laughed wryly, "Getting addicted to things that she shouldn't."

Jillian couldn't stop laughing, "You are the one who knows me."

"We'll just goad her parents into saying that Nina was a drug addict." Jillian's manager's tone was casual, "We have seen plenty of celebrities whose career were ruined by parents, right? She's not the first, and certainly not gonna be the last."

The two laughed gleefully over the phone at the idea they had come up with to deal with Nina.


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