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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 665

Cameron hung up the video Colleen was calling from and typed a few words, "Can't answer right now, call back later."

He then tossed the phone aside and embraced the person in his arms as he continued to kiss her.

Nina tilted her head to avoid it, "We'd better hurry up and washed up while you call your mother back."

"No rush." Cameron held her down and was once again reckless.

By the time Cameron returned the video call to his mother, Colleen, most of the afternoon had passed, and Nina had tucked under the covers to catch up on her sleep while Cameron was herded into the study to return the call and be fully dressed.

Insatiably, Cameron changed his clothes as she had requested and took the phone to the study, looking as if he had just been concentrating on his work.

When the video call came through, Colleen, on the other end, spoke first, somewhat anxiously, "Cameron, I saw on the news that Nina is back in Riverside City. Your dad and I were thinking of inviting her over for dinner tonight. What do you think?"

Since her attitude towards Nina had changed and she had found out that her son had even gotten his license, Colleen thought about meeting Nina officially. Although she and Nina had communicated via WhatsApp and wiped the slate clean, she still didn't say it face-to-face, so she felt a bit insincere.

So, when she saw that Nina was in Riverside City, Colleen immediately discussed the matter with Randall, who naturally had no problem with it.

But after asking Cameron this question, Colleen suddenly leaned in closer to the camera and stared closely at Cameron and asked, "What happened to your neck?"

Cameron looked at his neck through the video on his phone and saw a significant red mark where some little woman had forced him to wear his shirt, but he hadn't buttoned it up as far as he should have, thus revealing the mark near his collarbone.

At this point, he was confronted with his own mother's questioning and was a little speechless for a moment.

"And your lips—" Colleen was about to say how the lip was also broken a little, but then she understood in a second what was wrong with her son and immediately stopped the conversation quickly.

No wonder the first time she called the video, she was hung up on, and thinking about it, she said with some embarrassment, "I didn't interrupt you just now, did I?"

Cameron kept his composure, "No."

"Oh." Colleen didn't want to discuss this with her son, so she hurried to the subject, "So, what do you think of what I just proposed?"

Cameron returned, "It shouldn't be a problem."

He didn't know Nina was coming back today, and he had just been so busy with her that he hadn't thought about taking her back to see his parents, but he was sure Nina wouldn't object.

Colleen was displeased, "What do you mean there shouldn't be any problem? Is Nina not with you? You should ask her and give me a definite answer so I can prepare the ingredients."

Cameron clears his throat, "She's asleep."

Colleen understood right away.

She instantly blushed and said, "Since you said it's okay, your father and I'll prepare the food.

After that, Colleen hurriedly hung up the phone, unable to look straight at her son's bitten lip.

How intense it had to be.

She had just squeezed her phone to calm down for a short while when she received a message from Cameron on her phone.

"Dear Mother, since we are now a family and want to keep this relationship going well, allow me to say a few words first."

Colleen was used to this style of her son's, he had been like this since he was a little boy, strict to being a stickler, but there was nothing wrong with saying what needed to be told in advance.

Colleen knew that what he was going to say had something to do with Nina, but as he said, since they were a family from now on, it was always time to look on the bright side, and she would take his words into serious consideration.


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