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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 666

Nina was still awake when Cameron re-entered the bedroom.

Cameron went to bed and leaned over to her, gesturing for her to look at the collar of his shirt, and teasingly laughed, "My mother knows everything."

Nina blushed and pulled the covers over herself.

She still didn't hide anything after trying to keep things out of sight.

Cameron pulled her out from under the covers, wrapped his arms around her and said with a smile, "My parents have invited you over for dinner tonight."

"Okay." Nina responded readily, "I have more time to come back, so I should meet them for dinner."

Now that she was licensed and Colleen had shown her sincerity, Nina naturally had nothing to hold back and was willing to work everything out for the better.

Nina didn't feel much sleep anymore, and after raising her hand and pushing the man on top of her away from her, she sat up under the covers and said, "Since I'm going to your house for dinner, I should bring some gifts too, but I don't have anything prepared now, I have to hurry out to buy them."

"No need to be so solemn..." Cameron knew that his parents were not the ones to bother with such things either.

But Nina insisted, "No, it's basic etiquette. I'll get Sherlyn to go shopping with me."

Cameron had a headache, but he could see her insistence and let her be.

While Nina washed up and got dressed, Cameron followed her and said, "I'll take you to the mall."

Nina waved her hand, "Don't. It would be a problem if we were photographed again."

Nina's words made Cameron a bit dejected; he pursed his lips in silence, then put his arm around the woman's waist from behind and asked in a low voice, "Honestly, when do you plan to go public about our relationship?"

Nina, who was putting on her make-up, looked in the mirror at the man who looked a little gloomy and said after a moment's thought, "You want me to go public now?"

If he wanted public and official name, it wasn't as if she couldn't do it now.

Cameron tilted his head and kissed the side of her face, "It doesn't have to be now, but it would be better if it were sooner."

He wanted to be with her in public, walk down the street with her hand in hand, visit her without having to sneak around and have the whole world know that she was his woman.

"Then wait until I finish filming this show," Nina answered.

"Sure." Cameron had no problem with that.

Nina glanced at the man in the mirror and kindly warned, "You should be prepared when the time comes, there will be people cursing you, and of course, there will be people cursing me, but I'm used to it; I don't know if you'll be able to stand it then."

People will think well of it in an ordinary marriage and others who don't, let alone an actress like her.

Even if Cameron were good, there would still be people saying things, not to mention all the detractors hiding behind the scenes.

"What can't I stand?" As he wrapped his arms around her, Cameron said, "I'll get my lawyer to sue anyone who dares to cuss."

Nina laughed out loud; that was the way he acted.

After gathering herself, Nina called Sherlyn and asked her to go shopping with her.


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