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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 676

Chapter 676 The Happiest Person

For a moment, Nina didn't know what to say to her agent who ran away from wedding. She had a flash
marriage and her agent escaped marriage. Both of them were abnormal.

After thinking for a while, she said, "It's good for you to stay there on holiday. You can relax yourself during
these days. Come back when you want to.’

Nina thought that Sherlyn might not want to come back to meet Viggo for the time being, so she offered to
let Sherlyn take a few days off. Besides, Sherlyn was pregnant and Nina had planned to reduce her workload.

However, hearing this, Sherlyn shouted, "Are you kidding? How can | take a holiday at this time? The studio
has just been on track, and I'm preparing to do something big. How can you allow me to take a holiday?"

"Besides, | haven't taken a holiday for so many years. I'm not used to holidays at all," Sherlyn's tone became
brisk and businesslike, and she was not as careful as a pregnant woman.

Nina had to remind her agent seriously, "You are in a different situation now. You are pregnant. You should
take care of yourself and don't work too hard."

Sherlyn was hardly conscious of being pregnant, "Is there any rule that pregnant women can't continue to work hard?"

Nina sighed. Her agent was really tough.

She compromised, "Okay, okay. You win. But what about you and Viggo?"

Sherlyn asked rhetorically, "What do you mean?"

"Aren't you embarrassed to see each other again?" asked Nina.

She thought that according to the current situation of Sherlyn and Viggo, it was better for them not to see
each other for the time being. Besides, she felt that Viggo was very angry before. She didn't know if the two would
have a quarrel when they met each other.

"Why should | feel embarrassed?" Sherlyn was free and easy. "| ran away from the wedding today, which is
to give him a hint that | find it too hasty to get married now. If he thinks he can't accept my proposal, we are done.’

Nina was speechless.

She couldnt help but roast Sherlyn, "Is that your attitude that shows you want to live a good life?"

"Of course, | want to live a good life,’ Sherlyn defended herself. "And just because | want to live a good life, |
feel that | need to take it slowly. Otherwise, if | get married in a hurry and | have an emotional breakdown, | won't
live a good life, will 1?"

Nina smiled, "What you said makes sense. In that case, | will support your decision.’

But then she added, "Cameron said that Viggo likes you, so you two have an emotional basis."

The reason why Nina said these words to Sherlyn was that she wanted Sherlyn to let her guard down.

Sherlyn always thought that Viggo didn't love her at all, so she refused to get the marriage license with him so soon.

After hearing what Nina said, Sherlyn kept silent for a while on the other end of the phone.

Then she denied with self-mockerry, "It's impossible. Cameron is teasing you. How is it possible that Viggo
would fall in love with me? We have known each other for so many years. If he does like me, he should've had
feelings for me long ago"

Without waiting for Nina to say anything, Sherlyn said, "Well, | won't disturb the two of you. I'll have a rest and go back in the afternoon.’

"By the way, the studio has been decorated and software has been installed. Should we invite everyone to
celebrate, or choose a lucky day to open up our studio?" Sherlyn suggested.

Nina thought her suggestion was very good. "You're right. There is no time like the present. Since I'm still in
Riverside City today, let's invite everyone to dinner.’

"I'll arrange all these things. Have a good rest and calm down,’ Nina was afraid that Sherlyn would be busy
preparing the dinner party again, so she decided to arrange it herself.

But she also agreed, "Of course | can invite him. I'm afraid that he is not willing to come if he is angry and
wants to break up with me."

"It's okay if he won't come. If he doesn't contact you, | won't contact him either, Nina was definitely on
Sherlyn's side.

The two of them then hung up the phone. Lying lazily on the bed, Nina was mulling over who she should

After thinking for a while, it seemed that she couldn't invite anyone else, because Cameron must attend the
dinner with her, and she couldn't let too many people know their relationship. Therefore, in the end, she could only
invite her close friends.


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