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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 677

Chapter 677 Being Jealous Again

After lunch, Nina badgered Cameron to play pool with her. She was familiar with these things when she was
a student. She did all the things that students shouldn't do when they were in school, and she was even good at

Otherwise, she would not be the so-called bad student or bad girl, because she was too wild.

The reason why she badgered Cameron to play pool was that she liked the way that people like Cameron,
who looked very gentle and decent, played pool. In particular, she liked him more when he unbuttoned his white
shirt, showing his good-looking collarbone.

Then he would roll up his sleeves, uninhibited and charming. He was full of jade-like temperament, which
made her want to jump him.

When she was a student, she often asked him to play pool. Since she had seen him play pool once, she had
been fascinated. Every time she finished her homework, she would drag him to play one or two rounds. According
to what she said, she was tired of studying and wanted to see a handsome man to relieve her mood.

Cameron knew what she was thinking about. He really wanted to satisfy her and be jumped by her. But now
their status was different.

He looked down at the woman in his arms, "What if we are photographed? Anyway, | don't care. I'm willing
to go public with our marriage immediately, but you said you wanted to wait till you've finished shooting this play?"

Leaning against him, Nina snorted, "The pool room is owned by my friend. I'll let him clear up that place.’

Cameron narrowed his eyes and lifted her up from his arms, "Your friend? What friend? Why didn't | know?"

Without waiting for her to say anything, Cameron gritted his teeth, "Don't tell me it's that Edwin Hodge, your
classmate at high school?"

"Yes, it's him,’ said Nina frankly.

"Interesting, Cameron sneered.

Edwin Hodge was a well-known hooligan when he was a student. He fought with others all day long without
paying attention to his study. After the college entrance examination, no one had seen him. It was said that he had
left Riverside City without being admitted to university.

Cameron didn't expect that he would come back again and open a pool room. He was still so idle.

Cameron despised Edwin in his heart. As for the reason that he was so hostile to Edwin, it was self-evident
that Edwin also liked Nina. Before Cameron officially dated Nina, almost everyone in the school said that Nina and
Edwin were in a relationship.

Of course, Nina knew why Cameron was so sarcastic. She couldn't help but glance at him, "Are you done
with it? We're married. What else are you jealous of?"

In the past, Nina had nothing to do with Edwin. It was Edwin who had a crush on her, but she didn't had
feelings for him.

Before Cameron transferred to her school, she had always regarded Edwin as her friend, and she was also
a recognized bad girl at that time. No one would like to play with her except Emelia at that time. If she didn't hang
out with people like Edwin, what other choice did she have?

So, she didn't care about what other students thought. Since she was with Cameron, she had kept a certain
distance from Edwin because Cameron was jealous.

Being accused of being jealous by Nina, Cameron admitted it.

He was jealous. He didn't like all the men who admired her, but she was a famous female star and a
goddess in all men’s hearts.

Cameron felt that it was a torture for him to fall in love with such a woman.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself down and asked again, "Didn't he leave Riverside City? When did
he come back? And when did he contact you?"

"He left Riverside City just for self-training. After that, he'll definitely come back. This is his hometown, isn't

After graduating from high school, Edwin left Riverside City for a big city in the south to see a bigger world.
After he accumulated money and experience, he returned to Riverside City last year. And then he invested in an
entertainment city and a bar. During these years, Nina and Edwin actually started meeting each other from the
beginning of last year.

But they had only seen each other a few times in total. She basically worked all year. Her schedule was
packed with all kinds of jobs. Occasionally, she had some free time to spend in Riverside City.

Could she say that she had never lost contact with Edwin? Nowadays, everyone had a cell phone. Even if
people graduated from high school and were not in the same city, and even if they didn't meet each other, they
could still keep in contact with each other with phones.

Unlike someone who had never been heard of since he went abroad and hadn't said a word to her for so
many years.

Nina simply admitted, "Yes, but nothing more. He just returned to Riverside City last year to start his own
business. We only meet a few times.’

Because of her special identity, every time when she went to Edwin's game room, Edwin would definitely
clear the room in advance.

Cameron instantly imagined the scene of the two getting along. There were only the two of them in the
huge pool hall. A man and a woman played the pool while talking and laughing. The atmosphere was as intimate as it was, and as romantic as it was.

The scene Cameron imagined was exactly the same as the one in reality when Nina met Edwin. The only
difference was that Nina didn't feel romantic. She just went to Edwin's place to play pool and relax.


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